Ch. 3 - Daydream and Glasses

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I wake up at 0900 and Logan is still there, with his shirt off, figures. I get out of bed without waking him up, which was easy since he ended up on the other side of the bed. I walk into the bathroom and re-do my bun then brush my teeth. I leave my glasses on cause I doubt anyones actually up.

I slip on my black uggs and walk into the kitchen. I decide to make breakfast for the guys. I look around for the pancake mix, then find it. I put in enough mix for 24, according to the box. I start adding the milk and eggs and and oil. I add in some vanilla extract that I found. I found food coloring so what the hell, I dye them red. The boys are going to flip. I find a pan and a pancake turnner, yes that is the actual name for it, and a plate to pile them all on. I spray the pan with butter stuff and pour a good amount onto the pan and wait.

I get through 15 and there is still like 3/4 of the mix left. I finish one last pancake before I hear a door open, it's james.

I cover my glasses and start hurrying towards my room to put my contacts in.

"What are you doing? Are you wearing glasses?" I groan and tell him not to touch anything. I go to the bathroom and put my contacts in and leave my glasses next to the case so I can put them on when I take out the contacts tonight.

I walk back out to see Liam talking to James.

"Hey guys," I say walking back to my work station.

"Your making breakfast? That's really sweet." Liam says looking at me.

"I always do it when I'm with my boys, and I just have to make more since I heard Niall eats, alot. Plus there are ten of us."

"Yeah, Gabs, why are they red?" James says pointing at the already done pancakes waiting on the counter.

"Cause I found food coloring and I wanted to," I say shrugging my shoulders and flipping a pancake. I smile back at the guys and wait for the flapjack to be done.

Eventually all the guys come out cause they smelt food. I reheat them when all of them are out. I put bacon in the oven once they all are out and talking.

Once I flip the bacon and do one of the last pancakes for me in the shape of micke mouse. I always do that. I hear someone ask what Logan and I did for six hours last night.

"We watched movies and caught up on everything we missed in each others lives." Logan explains, thank god he didn't take that pervertedly cause I'll admit the perverted answer to that question flashed through my head, what? All my friends are guys, it happens.

"Is the food almost done?" Niall whined from the counter infront of the kitchenette.

"5 minutes tops," I say watching the last of the pancake mix finich cooking on one side. I do a flip then pull the bacon out. "Niall make yourself useful and pull out the butter and syrup."

He does it quickly and I whistel for all them to come and get it. They all basically run and I cannot find my micky . Ok, if anyone eats it I will stuff a hockey puck down his throat.

I grab a plate and put bacon on it and search for my special pancake., "Alright who took the mickey mouse pancake?"

"Me!" Louis says raising his hand.

"Give it now," I say pointing to my plate.

"NO I want it."

"I made it for me, I made the breakfast so yeah give it, or I'll just have to get back at you later," that was as good of a threat as me throwing a punch on the ice.

"Do it man, it's not worth her getting back at you," Kendall says warning Louis of what I could do.

"What I've been pranked before."

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