Ch. 6 - Good friends and Pillow talk

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We hit a stone wall of fans in the road. I mean like the driver slammed on his breaks and we all fell forward.

I heard several "What the bloody hell"'s and a couple of "What the hell?"'s. I look out my window and see alot of screaming girls holding sogns like "Fuck me Harry!", "Horan you make me horny!" and stuff of that manner, which was bad. I laugh and decide to go through my old pictures, don't know why but I feel like it's a good time to reminise. I get to the group shot of my team. The Blades. That was us, and we kicked some major ass, if I do say so myself.

"Who are those beautiful girls?" Harry says coming from behind me. I take off my headphones.

"That's my team."

"You mean your hockey team? They're all gogeous!"

"Thank you very much," I say then noticing all the guys coming up behind me and looking.

"Oh my god, they are," Niall says looking at the screen.

"Why do you guys act so shocked that I have attractive teammates?" I say confused wondering what is up with that.

"Most of the female hockey players I've seen are not attractive and look quite manly actually."Liam says. I honestly would have ecpected more from Daddy Direction. Ok he is a guy but still.

"Ok then yeah my teammates are attractive. I mean they get asked out all the time." 

"Well no wonder, are any of them super models?" Zayn asks in a joking manner.

"Actually 2 of them are, Beauty and Snow," I say pointing to their pictures. Snow is a really nice girl she got her nickname cause she looks like Snow White. 

"Your serious?"  His face is shock and it's hilarious.

"Yeah, James tried to hit on Snow last year and that didn't go too well," I say laughing and looking at him.

"Hey, how was I supposed to know that she hated pick-up lines?" he says shooting me a look. Ok yeah I should have warned him but it was funny to watch him squirm.

"I said I was sorry, and you still got a date with her."

"Yeah after you told her to," he whined.

"I did not, she thought you were cute and also according to her and I quote 'He has the voice of an angel.' she didn't care about your faild attempt of a pick-up line. " I say when I actually did encourage her a little. It was a little favor she owed me. 

"Yeah and we ended up going on one date."

"You live in California! That's an issue." I roll my eyes and go to the next photo which is of me and La La and Vamps and Callie. We are shoving cake in each other's face's since it was Vamps's birthday. She turned 18 last year. This was while we were still on speaking terms with Callie. The red icing took an hour to get out of my hair. It was worth it cause we had the most amazing time togther. Those three are the only girls that I actually grew close to. 

"You look happy," Niall says being the only one still looking at the photos. All the other guys left and I was stuck in my head.

"Yeah I was," I say with a small chuckle.

"When was that?"

"Last year it was Vamps's birthday."

"Who is who?" he says as I point to the different girls. I was in the  bottom left looking away and shoving cake into La La's and Vamps's faces. Vamps was shoving cake iinto my face and Callie's.   Callie was in the middle shoving it into mine and La La's. La La was in the upper left shoving cake into Vamps's and Callie's face.  That had to be one of the best birthdays for Vamps ever. 

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