Ch. 2-Hockey Pucks and Secrets

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It's the night before we left for London. I am so excited. My dad decided to call a meeting to set some ground rules for the boys and me.

He walks back and forth in front of me and the boys. "Rule one, no drugs or alcohol for Gabriella. Rule 2 no new tattoos and finally no sex." My dad was able to say that last one without and hesitation due to awkwardness.

"Dad, this is me your talking to. I've never been kissed. Sex isn't going to be an issue. Plus these guys know what will happen if they go farther than what they already do I'll kick their a-butt" I get the evil eye from my mom as I was about to say ass.

"I just want to make sure it is a rule. Make sure the other 5 are aware of these rules.

"Sir yes sir," Logan says saluting him then leading the boys out of the house.

I rush upstairs to my room hoping my brother isn't waiting.

"So your leaving tomorrow," he says from the shadows at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, now please just let me get some sleep..." I try to make a run for it but he grabs my arm tightly.

"Tanner your hurting me," say knowing what he's going to do.

"Yeah, I'm going to give you a good bye present," he sneers and throwing me into my room.


I wake up at 0700 cause we have a flight this morning.

I had the same dream again. I try to get out of bed but my whole body aches from what Tanner did last night. I slowly get up and cringe at the pain in my stomach. I quickly get dressed into my grey sweat pants, loose black v-neck, and a red hoodie. I throw on my black uggs and peace sign ring. I go into my bathroom and throw my hair in a messy bun and do my make-up. I simply do eyeliner and cover-up. I head down stairs where parents are waiting.

"Do you have everything?" my mom asks getting a bit teary. I hold up the bag I packed for the plane ride. It consisted of my wallet, pretzels, gum, sour gummy watermelons, notebook, pens, pencils, white out, plane ticket, phone, charger and finally painkillers.

"I'll be fine; Logan will watch out for me." I say hugging my mom.

"Next week is your birthday and so expect at least 10 phone calls from us."

"Ok, love you guys," I say hugging both my parents. I walk out to see that the boys were loading my stuff along with my lady bug pillow pet and blanket.

They all laugh at me then get into the limo. At the airport we are rushed through security and loaded onto a plane. We are told that we will arrive in London at 24:04 am. I fall asleep listening to music and laying in Carlos's lap.


And it's morning, again, only this time I'm in a hotel room. I guess the guys carried me. My sweet boys.

I get up and look around the vast suite. There are 6 rooms, including the one I woke-up in. I see that no one is here so I rush backto my room and take out my Boise speakers. I plug my iPhone and start blasting my music and dancing like crazy.

Carlos's POV

"Well, it's really great to meet you lads," the curly haired one, Harry, says to all of us.

"Nice to meet you too, this'll be an amazing tour." James said.

"So the hotel suite is fantastic but we will need to buddy up on the rooms." Logan explains. I want to be with Gabriella but Logan wouldn't let that happen.

Speaking of Gabs, I wonder what she's doing now.

"And we're here," Kendall says when we pull up to the hotel.

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