ch. 8 - Miss you and Suprises

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I wake up to find Carlos not next to me. I figure that it's cause of the thing last night, finding out about my most recent scars. I get up and throw on a shirt of his and my glasses. I walk towards my suitcase where I see the little bag that came in Carlos's card. I slowly open it. Inside the little white paper is a white rose, underneath it is a little note:

You are as beautiful as this rose, and as innocent as it is white. You are a beautiful  and I never want you to leave. As long as you have this rose you will always be mine. Put this on the charm necklace. 

Yours forever


My heart fills with happiness but then again I remember that he laft me alone this morning cause he saw behind the damn curtain and saw how shattered I really was.  I fall onto my knees and pull out the necklace from a pocket and add the charm on. I put the necklace on and cling onto it cause I knew that he said that he loved me, but I can't seem to say it back. 

"You ok?" I hear his voice ring through my ears. 

I turn around to find hi leaning against the door frame looking at me. I nod as I get up and walk towards him. I throw my arms around him and he does the same. We just stand there for a while cause I just don't want to do anything else currently. I breathe deeply in, absorbing his scent. I just hope to dear God that nothing makes him ever leave me. 

After what seems like forever, we break apart and I go do my usual morning routine. I throw on a white v-neck  and a black vest on top. I slide on some shorts and put my hair into a ponytail. 

Today we will be leaving for Italy, then After Italy is Germany. We'll be flying to Italy and Germany to save time now. After Germany we'll be in the states, New York, then Dallas then LA. Then we head to Australia then New Zealand. I am excited. 

"MORNING!!" I hear Tater yell a I walk in to find her sitting in Lou's lap. 

"Really with the yelling at like 0745 in the morning?" I say laughing at her.

"Absolutely, since you guys are leaving," she says laying her head on Louis's neck. 

"I'm sorry love," he says kissing her forehead. 

Harry walks out with Delphi over his shoulder laughing.

"Woah, he's up early!"  I yell looking at Harry lauging.

"Well, Fe woke me with a kiss and I just woke up happy!" He has a smile plastered on his face  and so does Beauty when he sets her down. I smile at them both. I notice that Niall and Beast are still in his room. Pixi is laying on Kendall's lap and talking to him about random stuff. Liam is sitting awkwardly with Logan at the breakfast counter. I sit in between them.

"Morning boys," I say kissing Logan's cheek.

"Looks like you're in a good mood," Logan points out.

"Yeah, I guess I am."

"Hey Parker told me that they were...." Liam starts but then is cut off by Logan giving him a look.

"What?" I say looking at them both.

'Nothing," Liam says drinking some tea, and Logan drinks some coffee.

"I'll get it out of you eventually." I say with a devilish smile across my face. 

James walks in and makes a comment about all the couples and then we all laugh. 

"So you packed?" I say looking at Liam.

"Yeah, you?"

"No, I need to." I moan, as I walk back to my room to put everything away. 

Carlos's POV

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