Ch. 1- Tattoos and Questions

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I'm in a dream, I know it, it never rains like this. I feel like in one of the romance stories I write. I mean I am standing in the rain and the guy is running to come into my arms and kiss me. When he is a few feet away I recognize who it is. Carlos.

"GABBY, GABBY, GABBY!!!" Familiar voices yell waking me up. I groan and rub my eyes while trying to sit up. I look to my right and open my eyes. I see my best friend staring back at me with a giant smile on his face.

"LOGIE!!" I yell and wrap my arms around his neck.

"Hey, how's my favorite poet?" he chuckes while his brown eyes sparle, like they always do.

"So much better now," I say rubbing my eyes again, "What time is it?"


"I give him a questioning look.

"0800," I am too used to military time, so civilian tome confuses me.

"You woke me up at 0800?! You have got to be kidding me!" I yell when I hear a cough come from the end of my bed. I turn and notice the other three guys. I turn back to Logan and throw him my signiture Really? look.

"What you not happy to see us princess?" James yeases me, knowing full well that I am not a girly girl or anyones princess.

"I'm not a morning peron and ya'll should know that." I retort back while getting out of bed to hug them all. Right befor I hug Carlos, he throws me over his shoulder; this is our usual thing ever since I met him.

"One day this is going to get really old," I say while trying to keep my hair out of my face when he takes me downstairs to the kitchen.

Once we get to the kitchen he sets me on the counter. I jump off, actually hug him, then sit in Logan's lap at one of the breakfast bar stools. I love these boys and they make the shit I go through so much easier.

"So what's for breakfast?" I ask my mom.

"Made your favorite," she says smiling at me. "

"You didn't,' I say smiling like a kid on christmas morning.

"I did."

"Would someone please tell me what we are having for breakfast?" James pleads impatiently.

"Crepes!!" I yell running to the stove to get some of those delisious delicate things. I grab a plate and a crepe and put on spinach, tomatoes and sataeed onions. They boys get theirs and I sit on Logan's lap again, like I've always done.

I finish breakfast and help mom clean up. Logan wants me to spend the night at his house and my parents said yes. Thank god. I throw stuff into a gym bag and head over.

Logan's mom answers the door, she loves me like her own daughter. She's always fine with me spending the night.

She tells me that they are all in Logans room play Call of Duty. I take my stuff with me and walk into his room while the guys were yelling like it was a contest. I stand in the door way waiting for the right tome to say something.

"You did not just do that!" Logan yells at the screen.

"Logan he did, get over it," Kendall says intently on the screen.

"Yeah buddy!" Carlos yells throwing both arms in the air but quickly pulling them back down to continue the game.

Then from the bathroom James yells, "Logan where's your lotion!"

"Please tell me he isn't doing what I think he's doing," I yell with a grimace on my face.

"Gabby, is your mind in the gutter? Kendall asks shaking his head but looks like he's about to laugh.

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