Ch. 13 - Lost and an Idea

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Paige's POV

I just finished the letter Stella left me and I am sitting on the bed. I don't want to move to even hear Vamps yell at Carlos. She does want to kill him, but she couldn't actually go through with it. She's way too nice, she can make threats though. 

I just sit here and breathe slowly trying to keep myself from yelling and screaming and going afer Carlos myself but then again I think Vamps got him enough. Once the yelling ends I walk out to find Vamps being carried by Zayn. I walk to Kendall and throw my arms around his neck. 

"I can't lose her," I whisper into his ear. He walks into our room and I am left with Carlos and Logan and James and everyone else in One direction. 

"Well this isn't awkward," Lou says quietly. 

"I have an idea," I breathe out as I see Vamps and Zayn running out the door. 

"And what would that be?" James says. 

"All of you guys, well except Logan and Carlos, are dating girls who know Stella the best. Call them and have them pick you up and we'll spread out to find her. I'm not gonna have her take herself out of the game. She's an enforcer and we need her." Once everyone is calling I walk over to Logan.

"Logan, you know her better than nyone else, I think. You go alone," adressing everyone, " we'll group text the places we've checked so we will find her."

"What about me?" I hear Carlos ask.

"You come with me and Kendall."

"Why not go with Logan?"

"She may or may not want to see you. It might drive her over more. She may still love you but it might kill her to see you again. I'm not willing to take that chance, but  still want you helping." Kendall walks out and has my jacket and purse with him.

"Let's go."

All the other guys wait while me kendall and Carlos head ut. I text Vamps the pland and said that she was at the park near her house, no luck. I texted everyone that we ere headed to the rink. I knew it was a long shot but it was worth the shot. 

Eden's POV

I was the first one there to pick up Lou. I just drove in the back way and he met me down there. He kissed my cheek and we headed out. 

"Where do we start?" he asks. 

"I'm thinking we start where she told me to hide, the caves." That was a code name for a park that had rocks built into caves. I always hid there with her and I knew that would be a place she would consider.

"How are you?" he asks looking at me.

"What do ya mean?" I ask concetrating on the road.

"Considering everything that's happened in that last couple of weeks, how are you doing?" that was so sweet of him to be concerned. 

"I'm good, Casper wasn't exactly close to me so I don't feel that wake, but Gabby is another story. I cannot believe her. When she didappears it's almost impossible to find her. If her god damn father taught her anything it was how to hide and not be found. I remember last time, it was during school cause she was getting bullied and we couldn't do anything. I was in college and couldn't do anything. I hate it. Anyways, she hid at for a good 24 hours and she was no where, her mom and the team was the only people who cared. Her dad and brother didn't. Photo was the one who found her, but she left bread crumbs. Her GPS got turned back on. I hope she remembers that so maybe she can find Gabby." We make it to the caves by the time I finish. I get out quickly and run towards the one she told me got no cell reception. 

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