Away ‼️ 1/3

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REQUEST AHHHHH THANK YOU I LOVE YOU broadway_crackers and BrooklynNewsie


Also sorry this took so long, a lot of bad things happened last week and just got me down- but I hope you enjoy!



Race was basically famous due to sarcasm. Not that it was a bad thing-

Yeah it was.

He couldn't begin to count the number of times he was stopped for saying something offensive, even if it was true.

The bulls and him had a... complicated relationship.

"Racetrack if youse don' get up you'll miss the papes!"

He groined, rolling over on the rickety bed.

"Jack don' worry, give me a minute 'n I'll be downstairs yeah?"

The male groined but hesitantly left the room. With a smile, Race jumped to his feet and started getting dressed.

After he was done selling him and Spot were meeting up! They haven't seen each other for a week so they were pretty excited.

The only people who knew were Jack, Crutchie, Mush, Blink, and of course Specs. Nothing got past that man. He suspected is was the glasses.


"I'm coming!" He squawked.


The winter was hard for the Newsies, barely anyone was out for their daily paper which just put more stress on them.

Luckily for Race, the Sheepshead stayed open, since they had an indoor sprace.

"Mornin' Race! Stayin' warm I's hope?" The inkeeper smiled, handing Race a dime.

"You know it! Here's ya pape Sir!"

"Ha he he- thanks kid. I got a place set up for youse near the front so you can grab em while comin' in."


What a wonderful place, full of rich people making bets that ruin lives.

All except for Race.

The king of bets.

Many of the regulars knew him and would play small bets for a few change. Not the Race was complaining, anything he could get his hands on was gold.

"Hey you- what do you think youse doin?!"

A voice snarled, a hand following to wrap around his shoulder. Race held in a grunt of pain, turning around fluidity to not cause a ruckus.

"I's selling papes, ya got a problem with that?" He questioned, taking the man off guard.

"We don' like pretty boys invadin' our turf." The growl that followed made Race extremely uneasy.

Not wanting to get beat up- or worse- Race rubbed his neck sheepishly.

"O-Ok no need for fighten' I'll let ma self out.." He was down to his last few papers, so it wouldn't hurt too much to go somewhere else for the rest of the day.

"Naw I don' think so- youse'll stay right here with us."

Race was taken aback, sure he delt with shitty people- but this guy rubbed him the wrong way.


"Step outside kid. You don't want people to see this."

"See wha-"

Before Race could continue a black bag was forced over his head and pulled tight around his neck.

A choked gasp escaped his lips before he started to struggle.

"What do ya think you're doin'! Let 'im go!"

Race struggled helplessly, kicking his feet.

"Get going- get in the car!" The same man yelled.

Race didn't like this, he was loosing his breath quickly. His struggles weakening before he went limp, eyes rolling into his head.


"Any of you seen Race?" Blink asked walking into Jacobi's, he'd promised to play a game of poker after selling today.

" I haven't, last I saw him goin' to his selling spot in Brooklyn."

Jack stood slowly, racking his brain to see if he's seen Race since that morning.

"Albert, Specs, Blink, youse comin' with me, Mush you're in charge."

"Youse got it Cowboy."

"Come on I don' like this..."

Hurriedly, the boys shrugged on their worn winter coats and hats.

"Maybe he.. well sometimes he stays over in Brooklyn with Spot! What if he-"

"Elmer, I told Race I wanted him here tonight because of the storm- and he's never been this late during winter."

Blink shivered as a harsh wind blew around them.

"S-So where are we going?"


"Jack seriously! That's a few hours and longer with all the snow!"

"Blink if youse don' wanna come then go back to Jacobi's and explain where we're going, Mush'll know what to do."

With a curt nod, he turned on his heal and ran back to the deli.

"It is going to be a long walk Jack, and we's not even sure he-"


The sudden shout scared Specs so much he fell to the ground, losing his glasses in the snow.

They recognized the boys. It was  Bart and Hotshot, panting heavily.

"I-It's- fuck- it's Racetrack he-!"

"What happened?!" Albert exclaimed, helping up Specs.

"T-Theyse took 'im, we tried to follow em but... The car was too fast."

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