Adorable 🤍

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Spot is clumsy.

He may not look it- but most of the bruises that adorn his body are from tripping up stairs, down stairs, running into doors and corner of tables. You name it.

Another thing is that Spot bruises easily. They could last for months sometimes if he wasn't careful.

Race loved using this fact to his advantage.

Marking Spot with his bites and scratches, telling people to fuck off and that Spot's his.

Currently, the two boys were lounging on Manhatten docks, watching the sunset. Their little area was well secluded and hard to get to, so they knew they were safe to do whatever they pleased.

Race was curled on top of Spot, gently kissing his neck.

"Hmm babe as much as I love this youse know I can't go round with bruises on my neck." Race rolled his eyes and leaned back, purposely bumping Spot's hat off.

"Oh fuck me.." He mumbled, he hated his hair. It was so oily and matted down from not being able to wash it for a few days.

Race smiled widely and leaned closer, bumping their foreheads together gently.

"...Racer that wasn't an invitation." He said after some hesitation.

Race reached a hand up and started caressing Spot's face gently, eyes darting around his features.

"I mean it. Leave me alone."

Race only smiled wider and leaned in to softly blow on Spot's lips. He let out a low hum as he watched the blood rise to his cheeks.

Taking a shaky breath, Spot grips Race a little tighter in his arms and forces his face into his neck.


"Shut up.." He mumbled, embarrassment hitting him ten fold. He tightened his arms around Race's middle, smiling softly. This boy was the best thing to ever happen to him.

"Youse adorable Spotty."

"Don' call me that."

Race laughed and pulled away from the hug. Eyeing the older boy softly. He cupped his cheeks and kissed him, smiling so widely.

Spot signed happily, rubbing Race's hips.

This was the best life.

Their life.

And they'll be damned if anyone took it away from them.

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