Different 🤍

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Modern au babies


In this day and age soulmates were a common thing. Granted this day an age usually brought cold and restless nights.

There were many soulmate connections. Some people could write on their arms, and it would appear on their soulmates.
Others when they touched for the first time got to see color.
Some people had the words that will first be spoken to them.
Or they exchange cuts and bruises.


Antonio Racetrack Higgins was just about done with his soulmate.

He had a rare connection to his soulmate. The first words spoken, and the cuts and bruises.

The only person who knew he had two connections was Davey. Since he was the best at keeping secrets.

"I don't understand why youse so upset over this Racetrack, you have a better chance at finding your soulmate. Plus this is like the millionth time youse come over to complain about it." Race groined, rolling over on the leather couch.

"But this person punches everything! Ma hands are constantly covered 'n cuts and bruises! I don' understand why theyse always punching things.."

"Well it can't be much better for your soulmate, you're always burning yourself with that cigar of yours!" Davey chuckled, smiling as he finished decorating another cookie.

"Ey! Don't diss the corona!"

Davey rolled his eyes and glanced at Race's arm. He read the neatly written words;

'Fuck you'

When those words showed up Race sobbed for hours, jumping to the conclusion that his soulmate would never want him.
Davey and Jack held Race for that time, constantly reminding him that it could be said in a different tone, or in a different setting.

"Have youse been applying to any colleges?"

Race was caught off guard. That question came out of nowhere.

"It's winter break, I don' have ta give in ma form till we get back."

Davey signed, taking a step away from the half decorated cookies.

"Well youse should get on it, now get your butt over here and help me finish decorating the cookies."


The party was coming together. This year was stationed at Jack's house.

"Ahh Davey, Racetrack! Glad you boys could come. Youse can put the cookies on the table over 'ere." Jack ushered the boys inside from the harsh winter cold.

Davey smiled at his soulmate, letting Jack take his coat off.

"Aww youse not gonna take my coat Cowboy?" Race teased.

"Naw Race, why don' you go upstairs? We set up poker for youse since the last handful of years you haven't shut up about having one."

"I knew you loved me!" Race giggled, taking his coat off. He ran upstairs and was immediately greeted by Albert and Specs.

"Youse ready to beat our asses at Poker?"

"You bet your ass I am, deal me in!"


The party was going great! They had and amazing dinner and where finishing up exchanging gifts when the door rang.

"Fashionably late?" Race joked, watching as Jack opened the door. A shorter male walked in soon afterwards.

He looked so adorable in that big jacket of his, but as soon as he removed his coat Race's face bloomed in color.


He was hot.

"Guys I want youse ta meet my friend Spot Colon, we's met in our college class a few months ago."

The boy smiled and nodded to the group. Everyone exchanged small waves, and welcomed him.


"So whaddya think of Spot?" Jack asked an hour later, leaning over to Race.

He scoffed and crossed his arms.

"He's very tiny, but he's definitely hot- I mean uhh, no not that but umm, not ugly?"

Jack laughed, slapping a hand over his mouth the muffle his noises.

"Youse adorable Racetrack."

"Don' ya have a soulmate ta get back ta? Pretty sure he's missin' ya!" Jack glanced back over to Davey, he seemed to be in the middle of an argument with Les and Crutchie.

"Hey hey what's goin on?"

With a chance at freedom, Race excused himself to the bathroom. He felt himself starting to panic and had to get away.

Everyone out there had a soulmates but him. He was positive Spot had one cause there's no way a hot man like that hasn't found his yet.

"Fuck god dammit.." Race cried, punching the wall. He yelped and held his bruising hand to his chest.

He told himself he wouldn't cry again. God he was so scared, and just tired. He wanted to find his soulmate so badly.

"I'm never gonna find them, should just give up now..?"

That was a question he repeatedly asked himself.

Race washed his face off quickly and exited the bathroom, bumping into a someone.

Race looked down in surprise, eyebrows rising as he recognized Spot.

Before he could open his mouth Spot reached up and kissed him softly.

His brain short-circuited... right? It did that thing where it stopped thinking and just-

His body must've unfroze first because he pulled Spot closer before his brain came around.

When he finally did realize what was happening, he disconnected their lips, and took a step back.

"Wait? I thought..."

"Fuck you."


"Fuck youse for bruisin' your hand just now, 'n being adorable, 'n attractive."


"Is that the only word in your vocabulary?"

Race smiled, shaking his head.

"N-No I just- I'm confused and- youse is my soulmate and- and-"

"Shut up. I spent the last three years looking for youse, and-"

"Shut up 'n kiss me again.." Race whispered, wrapping his arms around Spot's neck.

They met in the middle, all smile and giggles of pure joy.

They only broke apart when Jack started laughing his ass off.

"I told ya puttin' the miseltoe there was a good idea!" Les exclaimed, tugging on Crutchie's sleeve.

Race blushed, looking up and sure enough, the small red and green flower was suspended above their heads.

"Wait- so that's why youse just kissed me outta the blue?"

Spot chuckled, rubbing his neck.

"I grew up with those traditions, it must've just been a spur of the moment kinda thing."

Race smiled brightly, hugging Spot to his chest tightly.

"Aww Spottie youse so sweet!"


"Jaaaack youse owe me 40 bucks."

Jack's smile dropped, and he reluctantly pulled out his wallet.

"I forgot I made that bet with youse.."

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