Leave him Alone ‼️🔥

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Race knew he fucked up, he fucked up royally.

He was too damn confident after getting front page in the paper to simply look behind him.

Question the shoes tapping behind him, following him.

Just to be a little bit paranoid.

Race was confused at first when he was pulled harshly down a dirty alleyway, and shoved to the floor.

It wasn't exactly late, but it wasn't early either. The sun would set in a few hours.

"Looky what we got 'ere boys, a lil twerp strikin' even though he knows he won' win."

Race groined in annoyance and jumped to his feet, facing off to Oscar.

"Didn't ya say your fadda was striken?" Challenging your inner Jack Kelly when your life could very clearly be on the line was hard.

However, Race wasn't one to back down. Perhaps that was his biggest problem.

Oscar snarled and pinned Race to the damp wall, digging his forearm across into his neck.

He gagged and tried to breath, scratching at Oscar's arm.

"Youse think just because youse got the front page you'll win?!"


"Shut up! Just shut up! Youse ain't gonna win, and deep down you know that."

No Race knew they were going to win, they had to.

"Boys, what's something we can do to to keep his mouth shut, and scare 'im for life."

Race finally glanced behind Oscar, through his blurry vision he could see two other boys, but Morris wasn't there.

"Rape him."

He was caught off guard, hell even Oscar was, turning sharpy to address the other. The blond gasped as he slid to the floor, coughing harshly and trying to get as much oxygen into his lungs as possible.

He'd have bruises for sure.

"Rape 'im? How do you suggest we do that? Girls I can see- but boys?"

Race didn't want to listen anymore. He shut his eyes tightly and tried to scoot away.

One of the boys caught his eye and shot forwards, grabbing Race's neck and pulling him up.

"You ain't going anywhere."

"P-Plea-" He shoved Race harder into the wall, cutting off his speech harshly.

"Careful John, don' want him passing out anytime soon."

From Race's blurred vision, he saw Oscar walk off.

"I don'want any part of this! Do as you please but don' tie it back to me."

The other boy, who he had yet to learn the name of, smiled sickeningly.

"Whaddya say Johnny? Wanna fuck this little twerp into next week? Or month..?"

"I don' know Sammy, you obviously have more experience in this department, I'll just follow your lead."


That was were Race found himself only minutes later, on his knees, arms tighted tightly behind his back, being forced to suck Sammy's shaft.

"So good, youse a little slut ain't ya? Youse enjoying this hmm?"

Race tried to move away, to bite back, but the strong grip on his hair made him moan in pain. Desperately trying to escape.

"Haha see! He's enjoying himself!"

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