Beautiful Mess 🤍

706 15 5

Modern au


They were a beautiful thing weren't they?


Over 400,000 different types all over the world... and it had to be Sunflowers.

Spot's favorite flower.

A huge, painful flower to cough up that's for sure. They were covered in blood as Race choked and cried silently in a dirty bathroom.

"Youse gotta tell him Racetrack.. Me 'n the boys don' like watching youse in pain." Romeo whispered, gently rubbing his older brother's back.

The boy whimpered and curled more tightly into himself, crying gently.

"If youse don' do anything you'll die Racer! Do youse want to die?!"

The blond haired boy only sobbed, grabbing his neck tightly.

"N-No but I don' have the money for surgery! If he doesn't love me them I's dead Romeo!" Race cried as he felt more flowers crawl up his throat. He forced them down stubbornly.

"I's goin' to get Jack. He'll know what to do!"

"N-No.." Race whispered as he watched Romeo run out into Jacobi's. He tried to gain leverage on the wall to host himself up, but ended up collapsing to the floor.

The flowers, stronger than ever, forced their way up his throat. Cutting him deeper than they ever have before.

He cried as he watched mountains of sunflowers spewed from his mouth. They were dark, almost black.

Race didn't have much time left, he knew that. It's almost been a month since the first flower.

He must have passed out because the next thing he there was a blurry Jack, and they seemed to be traveling fast.

Race didn't say anything, just let Jack do the do.

"Don' worry Racetrack, I got youse you'll be ok."

If only Race could agree. He knew he was dying, maybe it finally was his time.

"RACE!" Jack screamed, smacking him across the face.

"Ow! Jack what the hell was that for?!"

"Finally youse been loopy ever since I got to the bathroom. Stay 'ere alright? Someone is coming to help you."

Race finally looked around. It was dark outside, but not pitch.


"Brooklyn, Spot Colon's turf."

Race's eyes widened in alarm. He desperately tried to get up, but his weakened body barely listened.

"Hey hey stay still Racer! He's goin' to help!"

"N-No he won' he'll just leave! Jack nobody likes a-another boy.."

"Well I do." Spot announced, quickly making his way to the other boys.

"S-Spot I-"

"Youse got him 'ere Jack, I got it from 'ere. Go back to Hatten ok?"

He hesitated, before turning on his heel, threatening to kill Spot if he so much as touched Race wrong.

Jack's such a mudda.

"S-Spot I-"

"Shut it Racer. Jack obviously thought to bring you 'ere and I've seen too many of my boys die from this. Tell me who stole your heart."


"Come on Racer I'm not playing this game with yo-"


Spot seemed taken aback, but his eyes shined brighter.

"W-What?" Race turned to look at the shorter boy, a blank expression lining his features.

"But it's ok Spotty.. I's dyin', either today or tomorrow but soon. Youse won't have ta deal with me for much longer.."

Spot growled and grabbed Race's cheeks, eyes tearing up.

"Shuttup. Shut. Up. I ain't letting youse go."

Race chuckled, shakily reaching up to cup Spot's cold hands.

"Ma flowers are almost black Spotty.. There's no hope now and you-you know that..."

Spot let out a sharp sob but quickly pulled himself together, stroking Race's cheek gently.

"Y-You know that I love you.." Spot's voice cracked painfully. Now the tears started.

"Youse an idiot for lovin' me so much that it kills ya." He continued, his eyes gently moving through Race's eyes.

"Youse have beautiful eyes.."

Race sobbed and leaned up, barely reaching Spot's lips.

"Kiss me."

And he did.

Spot leaned down and captured the younger boys lips in a deep kiss. Pouring all his love into the boy.

Race smiled goofily, slowly feeling himself heal.

"I feel better.." He mumbled when Spot pulled away. They smiled at each other and leaned in again.

Race was ok.

But he swore hell on Earth if he ever saw a Sunflower again.

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