Away ‼️ 2/3

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Race didn't know where he was, or what happened really. Everything blurred together in clips when he managed to open his eyes.

The blond doesn't remember doing anything recently to get kidnapped- but who's he trying to kid, he can't keep his mouth shut.

A kick to the stomach brought him tumbling out of his thoughts.

"Get up boy, the boss what's to talk to you."

Race hacked, curling into a tight ball to try and hide- only he couldn't.

Blinking, Race found himself strapped to a chair.

His arms were tied tightly behind his back and his legs were tied to the chair.

He licked his lips and shakily looked up.

"What's wrong? Can't wait to get me alone?" Talking hurt, but he needed to distract himself from the knocking, banging, and clanging in his head.

The tanned male looked two seconds from punching his nose in, but was interrupted by a cough.

"S-Sorry sir..."

"I bet you are, get."

Race watched as the man scampered off, his greasy brown locks flopping in all directions.

"I'm sorry about that Racer-"

"Don' call me that." The blond growled, tugging sharply at his bonds.

Glancing up he was surprised at someone quite familiar.


"Took the answer right outta my mouth boy! Good thing we got the right kid."

Race, now almost fully awake of what was happening, shivered.

"Youse probably wondering why I brought you here-"

"Gee took the words right outta my mou-"

In a flash, Race had three fingers in the back of his throat, and a hand on the back of his head.

"Don' get mouthy with me Racer, I ain't a very patient fella."

A gage left his forced open mouth before the man retracted them, wiping the digets off.

"I don't like to get dirty, but if you don't comply- well let's just say we have some pretty neat ideas to make you talk."

"L-Listen I's done nothing wrong-"

"But Seán did. I's heard some little birds say youse two was close. Been tracking that little rodent for years, but he always seemed to get away. Just running and never lookin' back, he's a coward-"

"Youse a coward!" Race bit back, preparing himself for whatever was to come.

"Heh, youse really don' know how much trouble youse in do ya? Well, you'll learn soon enough." The man growled, grabbing a few items on a small cart.

"Youse'll learn."


"What do you mean taken outta the blue?! That don' make no sense!" Les exclaimed, crossing his arms tightly over his chest.

Davey stood, carefully laying his coat over Les's shoulders.

"Well- did ya get a good looks at them attackers? The car they were in?"

Bart looked over at Hotspot.

"I's didn't, Hotspot tried to grab one of em' but ended up getting knocked over the head."

He rubbed his head, wincing at the growing lump.

"One of em' had long brown hair and tanned skin, the other was pale, and had short black hair."

Jack was pacing up and down the lodge, trying so hard to not search every inch of New York to find Race.

"Well has youse told Spot yet? Since he was taken on Brooklyn turf he might know a thing or two."

Hotspot rubbed his arms, glancing around the people in the room.

"Y-yes, he said to come 'ere- tell youse what happened, then report back to him an-"

"I's comin' with."

"That ain't your call Mush." Jack snapped.

"Jack look- we needs ya here. Youse the leader, I think me Specs, Albert, and Blink are the strongest 'ere."

"I said-"

"He's right Jack." Davey said, placing a careful hand on Jack's shoulder.

"We needs ya here to look out for the kids, and take care of the sick. Jack- please, we can find him."

"Oh not youse too-"

"Can any of you read or write?"

Not many rose their hands, only Buttons and Mike, but they were too young to be goin' out in this cold.

"There, I's goin. Take care of our brothers- ok Jacky..?" Davey asked, pleadingly.

Jack tried not too look into those puppy dog eyes, but it was useless.

"...F-Fine! But youse better find 'im."

"We will Jack, promise to bring our brother home."

Les smiled sadly, walking over to his brother and tightly hugging his waist.

"Youse better come back Dave.. I's don' wanna loose you..."

"Youse won't loose my Les, Jack"ll be here watchin' out for youse like he always has."

Jack smiled at the brothers softly. Davey was right, he should stay here and help out the younger kids. After all they'd find Racetrack, he was coming home and couldn't wait to give him another lesson on stranger danger.

He was gonna make sure that lesson stuck well.

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