Away ‼️ 3/3

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"No! No don't you dare 'Jack' me Albert!"

The ginger sighed, pain filling his words.

"Maybe he's-"

"He's not."

"It's almost been-"

"I know how long it's been!" He snapped, angrily wiping away his tears.


"Oh not you too Spot I swear I'll-"

"I miss him! So much ya here? I ain't givin' up- but sittin' around mopin' all the time ain't good for no one!"

Albert looked at the King of Brooklyn a bit uneasy, but agreed all the same.

"We's never gonna stop lookin' for 'im Jack. We's just can't look every second of everyday, it's impossible."

Davey took that silence to finally enter the room, holding a few pieces of paper in his hand.

"Jack... I's got something."


"So baby, youse know how long it's been? I mean, no one's come ta find ya and I must admit, those screams of yours just aren't as juicy as they were when ya first came 'ere." Blue Joe, as Race started to call him, walked around his broken form threateningly.

He would usually bite back, challenge his inner Jack Kelly, but ever since he- muted him... There was nothing coming out. Ever.

"Aww come on Racer, there's no point in hiding your noises from me." When he reached a hand up, Race weakly pulled at the rope, desperately trying to get away.

"There he is... Well today's ya lucky day Racer! Since you ain't helpin' me find my dear brother I thought I'd take matters into my own hands."

Race's head spun as Blue Joe started cutting at the old ropes around his wrists and ankles, smiling as the blond barely moved.

"Such a good boy~"

The younger male despised it when he called him a good boy, it made him feel like a toy he used to beat, abuse and- so... so much worse.


"Come on Racer, we're almost there."

Race moaned in pain as he was dragged into another car, pulling his wounds and reopening cuts.

He didn't really know what was happening, all he knew is that it was extremely bright outside, and he hurt everywhere.

"You've been such a good boy for me Racer, it's been so pleasurable breaking you~" Blue Joe giggled with a wide smile before tying a white cloth around Race's eyes.

This wasn't at all knew.

He knew the feeling, and the pain that usually followed. Yet what happened next was completely new. Something like a voice was calling out to him.

Race could've sworn it was his own name, his real one, that only three people knew.

Jack, Albert...

And Spot.


"It's a trap."

"No shit it's a trap."

"Are we's still gonna go?" Davey asked, tugging at the loose string's on his jacket. Les was next to him with dried tears on his face, holding the note tightly.

Spot was in the corner of the room holding another piece of paper, the address. Tied to it was a chunk of blond curly hair crusted with blood. Race's blood.

His Race's blood.

"Jack we gotta think before we-"

"I'm going."


"I know where he is. And I hate that I haven't connected the dots sooner. Either you're fighten' or stayin'. Make your choice cause I'ma bout to walk outta 'ere and get him back."

A course of yells followed by an army of boys stood up, grabbing things around the lodge to help Race when they got him back.

"Don' worry Anthony. We's comin' for ya. All of us."


Everyone was on board, following Spot through alleys and cramped spaces until they came to an opening. It was by no means as nice as it once was, but it chilled Spot to the bone.

His parents were murdered here, and Spot was the one to find them. After that his brother resented him, for he thought that Spot was the murderer.

"Ahh lovely to see you little brother! What a fine day, wouldn't you say murderer?"

"A-Anthony...?" Spot mumbled, barely recognizing his soulmate in such a horrendous state.

His body was deathly pale, covered by ripped clothes and bruises that ran up and down his body in ugly shades. Blood was everywhere, crusted over scabs to frighteningly fresh ones, running down his body to the floor.

That wasn't the most terrifying part though.

His lips had been messily knitted together with fishing line. It wasn't bleeding anymore which begged the question how long it had been there.

"I'll kill you!" Spot screamed.


"Is he alive?!"

Jack stepped next to Spot, glancing at him worriedly. He's never seen the shorter male this mad about anything in his whole life.

It was unnerving.

"Just like you killed our parents?! The police may have closed the case but I know the real story. You MURDERER!"

"Jack youse 'n the others get Race back safely and get him immediate medical attention. I's got some business with this man."

"Not even calling your brother by his name! The shame."

"The only shame you should have is for ya actions! Youse coulda ki-" Spot cut himself off with a sob, no matter how hard he tried to stop it, it crawled up his throat and just, came out.

"This little runt? Really brother, I's thought you woulda had better picks!"

Spot could barely contain his rage, his face was red and his grip on a wrench he found was getting tighter by the second.

"Jack." He snapped in rage, turning towards the other male.

"Youse ok Spot- youse ok. Albert! Specs! Blink! Get Race! The rest of ya- come on!"

The battle wasn't actually all that thrilling. As soon as the Newsies ran forwards, Race was dropped to the ground. Spots brother ran off in fear. Granted, if you'd see a large group of boys running at you with all sorts of scary tools you'd be scared shitless too.

Before Spot could run after him Jack grabbed his arm tightly.

"Don't. It's for the best, Race needs us right now."

Taking a stuttering breath, Spot twisted and fell to Race's side, hurriedly cutting away all the ties that bound him.

Everyone let out a sad smile at their broken brother, but Spot started sobbing. He leaned down to press their foreheads together for a split second as whispered praise for being so strong and staying alive.

"Youse is amazin'."

Everyone cheered when Race let a small smile consume his face.

He was going to be ok.

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