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Art = MINE


Race was happy, well, as happy as he could be.

He had loving brothers, they won the strike, he had a pretty ok job, and he had the best fucking boyfriend ever.

No one knew about the mystery boy obviously, he wanted to keep it a secret. He knew the second it got out..

Everyone would tease the shit outta him.

"Where ya headed Racetrack?"

"Sheepshead! Got a good headline, and got a good feelin' bout the bets I can make today."

Race waved Mush and Blink off, practically skipping away.

..he got to see his boyfriend later today. AH!! He was so excited he was practically radiating.

"Youse gonna blind someone with that smile Racetrack."

The boy smiled and hugged the older man.

"Nice ta see youse again Mr. Smith, I hope sales are goin' good?"

Mr. Smith was amazing, he ran the Sheepshead and loved Race to death. During the colder season he'd give him a warm bed and food in his stomach.

"As well as ever Racetrack, now I'll let ya get ta work. Lemme know if youse need anything."

"Will do Mr. Smith!"


Selling was over fast, so fast. The day was barely over and it was already killing him.

"Fuuuckkk come on day, go faster!"

Mr. Smith chuckled.

"Now Racetrack, you kiss your mudda with that mouth?"

His smile instantly dropped.

"O-Oh Racetrack I-"

"D-Don' Mr. Smith it's ok youse didn't know.. If you'll excuse me.."

The boy turned on his heel and practically sprinted across Brooklyn Bridge.

He wasn't aware of the tears streaming down his face, or the way he constantly bumped into people, or the way he tripped over practically nothing.

However he was aware of the pounding in his head, and the ends of his nails digging into his palms.

"Wow! Wow hey there Race everything ok?"

He waved the Brooklyn Newsies off, running straight to Spot's selling place.

Just above the docks.


The brown eyed boys head snapped up.

"R-Racetrack what-?" The blond boy crashed into him hard, knocking them both to the ground.

"B-Baby what?" Spot groined, adjusting the boy in his arms. He was shaking and his breathing was coming out in harsh pants.

"Shit ok ok, can you stand?"

Race shook his head, leaning heavily against Spot.

He groined and stuffed the rest of his papes into a bag, then grabbed Race's thighs. Spot lifted himself up and stumbled to his feet, immediately walking down under the bridge to the docks.

"Hey.. Hey baby look at me, is everything ok love?" Spot asked gently, sitting against the wall as Race curled on top of him.

"M-Mr. Spike..."

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