Cold 🤍

767 22 29

Art = MINE


People died in New York, especially those who barely made enough money to survive.

Race wasn't a fan of the cold, but he didn't hate it either. It gave him more excuses if he was late or to get some extra money.

"Race, can youse make sure the kids don't forget their coats today?" Jack asked, walking into the room followed by Crutchie.

"Yeah sure." He smiled, practically skipping up the stairs.

He loved kids, they were so much fun to talk to. Even though they talked a mile a minute, it was a nice distraction from how lonely he was feeling.

You heard him.


Racetrack Higgins was lonely.

Which was never good, he'd spend hours moaning and laying on top of Jack or Albert until he was shoved off.

"Hey kids! Don' forget your jackets ok?"

After a few frustrating minutes, all the kids were bundled up snuggly. Race walked them outside and waved them off to follow after Jack and Davey.

If those boys didn't get together soon..

"Hey Racetrack!"

"Mush, how youse holdin' up?"

The curly haired boy shrugged, pulling his coat tighter around his body.

"It's goin' be a cold night.. I suggest youse get a cuddle buddy because I don't think youse'll survive without one."

Race nodded, toying with his cigar.

"I's got it. Thanks for the heads up Mush, you got someone already?"

The boy blushed and looked away quickly.

"I-I still need ta ask.."

Race smiled knowingly.

"Blink's sellin' over at Jacobi's, youse can probably still catch him."

"What?! N-No I-"

"Mush staaap, I'd not judging or nothin'. Just go get your mans."

With a slap to the back, Race shooed him away.

"These boys.. God they so obvious."

Race smiled and turned on his heel, walking towards Brooklyn Bridge. He slipped a few times but was to damn prideful to fall over. He was a Manhattan newsie and he'd be dammed if he slipped on some ice.

"Hey there Racetrack, heading to the Sheepshead?"

"You know it."


His papes we're almost sold, god only six more... Race's lips were most likely turning blue, and his legs were shaking.

"B-Buy a pape.." He mumbled, pleading silently to the people passing by quickly.

The man immediately grabed the rest of his papers and hands him three dimes.

"You get inside and heat up son, it's rumored to be the coldest night of the year."

Race agrees, thanking the man quickly and rushing to the bridge.

His legs don't seem to work but he pushes forward anyway, letting out a cry when they buckle under his weight.

The foot of snow around him
flurry away as he falls almost lifelessly.

Race tried to make a sound but no one was around to hear him, what was the point?

This is it.. this is how Race will go out. Freezing to death because he didn't leave when his legs fell asleep.

He's going to die because he was stupid.

"Hmm h-help.." The boy whimpered, trying to get his arms out from under him.

Oh course he collapsed just next to the fucking Bridge.

Race let out another whimper, closing his eyes tightly.

This was the worst.

"-ac! Race, hey bubby are you ok?!"

He sounded familiar, but he couldn't put a name on it.

"I got youse just hang tight alright?"

He was flying, wow mum.. maybe it really is his time. Race smiled softly, excited to finally see her again.


He was cold, at least he thought he was.

Did this mean he wasn't dead?

"Wake the fuck up I want by bed back."

Race groined and opened his eyes, locking onto a certain Spot Colon.


"Yes my bed. The boys dropped you on mine cuz none of the others were made property."

Race nodded and threw the thin sheets off himself, stumbling to his feet.

"Wow wow hey, get back in the bed Race. I's was joking!"

"B-But you said.." He was so fucking cold, his legs weren't working right either.

A few steps was all it took for him to fall right into Stop's chest.

"Ok ok, let me get youse back to bed. I'll get you some soup ok?"

Race shook his head and shakily wrapped his arms around the shorter man's neck.

He was so fucking hot, like a heater just blasting out heat.

"Y-youse hot..."

"T-Thank youse?"

Race pressed his body to lay more flush against him.

"Body heat why didn't I fucking think of body heat?" Spot mumbled, taking off his coat. Race let out a quiet moan and hugged him tighter.

"Race youse need to take your coat off."

The pale boy nodded, letting Spot unbutton his jacket and slip if off his shoulders.

"S-Spot what are you.."

"Shuddap and get in the bed."

Race chuckled, leaning away from the heat.

"Ay least take me ta dinner first..."

Spot chuckled at his boyfriend, pushing him to the bed.

"I did and I won't do it again if you die from hypothermia."

"Noo.." Race moaned, making grabby hands at his boyfriend.

Spot quickly took of his shirt and climbed into bed half naked. The more skin on skin contact the faster the heating process.

"S-Should I?"

"Only if you want to baby."

Race shrugged off his shirt as Spot pulled him close to his chest.

"Youse freezin."

"I's sorry Spot, really I-I didn't think bout it until it was too late.."

Spot sighed and kissed Race softly.

"Youse need ta take better care of yourself, if ya don't I won't hesitate to get Jack involved."

"Oh God no Spotty please, a-anything thing but." Race giggled, rewrapping his arms around Spot's neck.

"Shit." He gasped, flinching away from the cold.


"No! No no it's ok just.. if I wake up with a cold tomorrow, youse will be in so much trouble."


"..Youse in so much trouble."

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