Chapter 14: Introductions

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Donnie looked back at Brandon. They smiled. Brandon smiled and took a few steps toward them. Donnie put the ring back onto his finger. Both were flushed red, but smiling nonetheless.

Brandon then looked at Leo.

"I believe we got off on the wrong foot, despite never actually meeting," Brandon said, offering his hand. "I go by Brandon Carter or Bran. Either work." Leo looked at Brandon's hand, then back into his eyes. He smiled slightly.

"Leonardo. Or Leo works just fine." Leo took Brandon's hand and shook it.

"Pleasure. Donnie talks highly of you," Brandon said as Leo let go. Leo chuckled.


"Yeah. The Leader in Blue," Brandon said. Leo shook his head.

Brandon looked at Mikey and Raph. He offered a hand to them.

"Brandon or Bran Carter," he said. Mikey was the first to take his hand.

"Mikey," the youngest smiled. "Did Donnie talk about me?"

"Of course! Pizza- loving Party Master," Brandon said. Mikey let go of Brandon's hand and celebrated to himself.

Brandon chuckled, then looked at Raph and offered his hand.

"And that means you're Raphael?"

"Raph works just fine," Raph said, taking it for a moment before letting go.

"Donnie said you're strong, and I can tell just by your grip if anything," Brandon said.

"Glad he said- they said something good," Raph said, correcting himself. Brandon smiled.

"Always. As I said, they talk highly of all of you," Brandon said, looking back to his partner, who was beaming.

"I mean, there are so many things I haven't told you," Donnie chuckled.

"Nope- leave that for me to pry out of them when I have a chance," Brandon said. Donnie rolled their eyes and chuckled nonetheless.

Brandon looked like a lightbulb just went on in his head.

"Zuzanna!" Brandon called out, pointing to Donnie. "Can we take the truck?"

"Obviously. It may be a bit battered since I may have rammed it into a few doors to get in..." Donnie blushed.

"I'm sorry... Who are you and what've you done with my partner?" Brandon asked, looking at Donnie. They chuckled shyly.

"I... I was going to do anything to get you out of there, even if it meant destroying the truck beyond repair- which didn't happen, thank god."

"Dios mío..."

Donnie led Brandon- and eventually their brothers and Logan- to the area where Casey had taken the truck.

The nine remaining survivors watched the group as they approached.

A person a few years older than Logan and Brandon started applauding. The other survivors soon joined them. Brandon looked up at Donnie, who was somewhat confused.

Donnie's Ranting Mind: Stolen Love (1)Where stories live. Discover now