Chapter 6: Ram of Personality

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Brandon felt barely alive. He doubted he looked alive, really.

His legs weren't holding his weight again.

No, they were... He was just so out of it that he didn't register the pressure.

He opened his eyes and gasped. His feet had broken through his Converse; his pinky toes merged with the ones next to them; the stubs had tough padding underneath and soft, reddish-brown hair over the top that went up both of his shins.

"What did you do to me?" Brandon called out, gaining enough power to raise his head. Karai was standing in front of him, sword aimed at the glass. "What are you doing to me!"

"A way of self-renovation," Karai said, not lowering her sword. "Hope you like it, Tigress."

Brandon looked to the rest of his body. He was covered in the same reddish-brown hair and his fingers were slowly becoming the same shape as his toes.

The injection was working, and not in his favor.


Donnie looked at the square, cement building in front of them. It was daunting, to say the least.

Now, to find some way to get inside the aforementioned building.

Donnie walked the perimeter and saw there were no windows.

Donnie felt a familiar grumble on the asphalt. Their brothers found them. They hopped back onto the trike and raced toward their brothers. About a mile away from the building, Donnie saw the Tartaruga Truck and stopped in the middle of the road. The large truck skidded to a stop just in front of Donnie.

Mikey raced out of the truck and into Donnie's plastron.

"You scared me, you know; Casey said you got hurt. He was lying, right?" Donnie asked their little brother.

"Yeah. We just wanted you back," Mikey responded before letting go of Donnie.

Donnie looked at Raph.

"You stole a stolen bike and rode off into the sunset- that's pretty badass if you ask me," Raph said, a smirk on his lips. Donnie chuckled.

"Well, I just... I was tense," Donnie said, shrugging.

"No shit!" Raph laughed.

Leo put a hand on Donnie's shoulder and they tensed.

"I shouldn't have run off, I know..." Donnie whispered. Leo squeezed slightly.

"You're right. But you found the building?" Leo asked.

"Yeah," Donnie said.

Donnie took out a blueprint from their work belt and got to their knees. They made a quick sketch of the building- it wasn't fully to-scale, but it was good enough.

Donnie's Ranting Mind: Stolen Love (1)Where stories live. Discover now