Epilogue: You Need a Hug

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Brandon was walked home by Zahra, Filip, and Cepos. They all exchanged numbers. When Brandon disappeared into his apartment, Logan was waiting for him.

But Logan wasn't alone. April, Casey, and Vern had brought the pizzas they got to the apartment instead of the Lair. The turtles were all in the apartment as well, along with a new mutant that Brandon didn't recognize.

"We wanted to be here to support you," Donnie said. Brandon nodded.

"Thanks," Brandon whispered lowly. "Voy a ir a Tomar una ducha."

Without another word, Brandon disappeared into his room. A moment later, the water in the shower started to run.


An hour later, Brandon came back out of his bathroom but remained in his room. He sat on his rather small bed that he missed more than he realized.

On the other side of the door, Brandon heard Logan talking to the others about what it was like inside the lab and tensed up. He had too much in his head to be reminded of that right now.

He texted Donnie. A moment later, he heard Donnie's phone go off. Then shuffling.

Then the door opened. Donnie entered and shut it softly behind them.

They weren't surprised to see that Brandon was wearing only a pair of basketball shorts over some briefs. His hair was still dripping water down his bare chest and back.

Donnie sat next to him and gave him the plate.

"Papa Johns?" Brandon asked, looking at the pizza.

"Yeah. A family favorite," Donnie said.

Brandon nodded and took a bite. As he did, his stomach growled and he realized how hungry he was. He would have finished the three slices faster than he did had Donnie not slowed him down.

Donnie took the plate when Brandon was done and put it on the nightstand. They then adjusted so they were leaning against the headboard.

"Come. You need hugs," Donnie said softly.

Brandon smiled weakly and sat in between Donnie's legs, leaning back into their plastron. Donnie's arms naturally found their place wrapped protectively around Brandon's torso.

Brandon melted into their partner's plastron and felt much calmer than he had in days. He knew he was safe when he was with Donnie.

His Donnie. His Bot. His partner.

His fiancé.


Donnie stayed up late into the night, soothing Brandon if he ever got restless in his sleep.

They barely slept, but they knew Brandon needed them at this time.

They didn't understand how difficult this was for Brandon, but they knew that it was.

They loved him more than life, and they couldn't let him suffer alone when he felt alone enough as it was.


A/N: And that's it! I hope y'all have enjoyed this book as much as I've enjoyed writing it <3

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