Part 3

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As I walked down the hallway, I walked with my head up high, not trying to hide. I was tired of being the shy, scared kid and I thought that this place was a new opportunity to have a fresh start. However, my confidence wavered as the people around me began to whisper as I passed. I guess there weren't too many new people joining the school halfway through the first semester. I sighed, ready to get this miserable day over with. When I found my locker, I shoved my books in, making a mental note to organize then later. As I struggled to close the door, I heard a voice behind me. "Need a hand?" They asked.

I whirled around to see who would offer me help on the first day and saw that it was a familiar face.

"Peter" I said, grateful to find someone I knew in this swirl of new people. Up close, I noticed how much more handsome he was than from farther off. He had luscious, wavy hair and these chocolate brown eyes that were sweet like a puppy dog's yet they were deep like swimming pools. I almost wanted to dive in. He was wearing a nerdy yet hilarious science pun t-shirt that read, I lost an electron, are you positive?
That was really clever. Omfg, I have to stop this. He probably doesn't even like me like that. He's way too cute to like me.

Scratching the back of his neck awkwardly, Peter said "Y/n, you're staring at me. Is there something in my teeth?"

Embarrassed, I tried to play it off. "Yah, you have an eyelash on your face" I gently put my fingers on his cheek and mimed picking off the 'stray eyelash.' As I flicked it away, I said "There, I got it. Now, are you going to help me with my locker or what?"

"Sure," Peter said. As we were both heaving at the door, trying to make it close, a cocky looking boy strutted up behind us.

"Hey pretty girl" He cooed, his lips grazing my ear.

Peter and I stopped pushing on the locker, finally forcing it shut. I heard Peter quietly groan in annoyance at the person in front of us, visibly slumping in defeat. I wondered what someone as nice as Peter would have against this boy, but I wasn't left waiting long.

"Why are you hanging out with a loser like Penis Parker?" The boy asked snottily, "You're too cute for that, sweet cheeks. Come hang with me."

I disgustedly looked this boy up and down before saying in a cordial voice. "Thanks for the kind offer, dirtbag, but I'd rather rot in hell."

Peter tried to hide his smirk at my remark, but that only boosted my confidence. The other boy looked taken aback, but he recovered quickly.

"Feisty. I like that." He said throwing his arm around me. "I'm Flash, Flash Thompson."

I grabbed his arm between two of my fingers as though it was a piece of garbage I'd encountered on my shoulder and removed it from my arm.

"And I'm not interested, so please don't touch me" I answered as civilly as I could.

Really, I wanted to knock all his teeth out, but that would be a terrible first impression for everybody to see. Instead of respecting my answer, he tried again. Throwing his arm around me again, he said "So, did it hurt when you fell from heaven, Angel-cake?"

"Get your arm off of her, Flash." Peter growled, balling his hands into fists. "She said she's not interested."

"What are you gonna do about it, Penis?" Flash said menacingly. Just then, thank Thor, the bell went off, signifying the beginning of class. "You got really lucky, Parker. See you next time I whoop your ass." Flash said. Then turning to me, he said "Whenever you get bored of old Penis here, feel free to come to my group, Sweetie pie"

"Barf" I muttered to Peter, pointing a finger down my throat. "Kill me now."

He chuckled. "Sorry about getting so defensive, I just really didn't like to see him treating you that way." Peter admitted angrily.

"I liked it, actually" I said cheekily. What had gotten into me today? "I could've handled it, but thank you for helping me out." Then I changed the subject. "What class do you have now?"

Peter glanced at his schedule. "I have science."

"No way! I said incredulously, snatching his schedule. After scanning it over, I realized that we had all the same classes. "Looks like we have all the same classes" I said, voicing my thought.

"That's crazy" he said. Then in a whisper, he murmured "Almost as if it was destiny."

Sure I couldn't have heard him correctly, I nudged his shoulder and loudly said "Pardon me?"

The tips of  his ears and nose reddened slightly. "I said that we should head to class now."

I smiled in agreement and followed him into a nearby room. He couldn't have actually said that, right? Oh well. When we got inside, I saw that already, everyone was there, milling about. Class was starting slightly late that day because the teacher hadn't arrived yet. I saw Peter pick a seat in the middle, so I followed suit and sat beside him. On Peter's other side was another boy who was staring at me with googly eyes.

"Dude, don't look now, but there's a really pretty girl sitting beside you" He informed Peter.

"Ned, chill I know." Peter grinned. "This is my new friend, y/n." I smiled at being addressed as a friend. It was only the first day and yet I had already made an actual friend. I tried to push away my sadness at being addressed as just a friend, though. I already wanted to be more. You really gotta get a grip, y/n, I thought. I had to mentally slap myself in the face.

Meanwhile, Peter continued. "Y/n, this is Ned, my best friend, and this is M.J, my other best friend.

M.J simply nodded and said "S'up"

Ned grabbed my hand and shook it vigorously for ten seconds. "Awesome to meet you." After he let go of my hand, he asked "Did Peter bribe you to hang out with us?"

Ned!" Peter scolded at the remark.

I just shook it off and laughed. "No, but does he have a history of doing that?"

"Not yet, but how else did he convince someone like you to hang out with us?" Ned pointed out.

"He didn't, I chose to on my own accord." I said, crossing my arms to get comfortable.

"Well, we were planning on watching a Star Wars movie marathon tonight at Peter's place. If you're not busy, you can join us" Ned suggested.

"We could always use an extra mouth around to eat the popcorn" M.J agreed.

"She probably doesn't want to, guys. You're pushing this on her too soon." Peter whispered.

"How did you three know? Star Wars is my favourite movie series ever. I would love to come." I gushed, excited that I had already gotten an offer to meet up with my new friends so soon.

"Yay!" Peter said gleefully.

I can't wait." I squealed, throwing my arm around my three new friends. "This is going to be fun."

Tom Holland, without you, life is like a broken pencil. Pointless...

Yello, just me checkin' in again, just sayin' don't be a silent reader, I'd love it if you could comment, gimme some feedback, I do like constructive criticism, and I work well with lots of praise too...... :)

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now