Part 14

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Peter's POV

When we got back from the trip, y/n and I went straight back to heroine. We went to find Aaron Davis, the criminal who was buying weapons from the vulture. I webbed his hand to his car, and y/n said, "Let me handle this"

She menacingly slammed her hands on the trunk of his car. "Talk! What do you know about the arms dealers or the man that runs them?"

Aaron trembled. "I know nothing except that their leader is a psychopath who dresses like a demon."

"Liar!" Y/n screamed in his face. "I'll ask you one more time. WHAT. DO. YOU. KNOW???"

"I know that they'll be on the Staten Island ferry in twenty minutes. An old colleague of mine is buying from him." Aaron said, terrified.

"Thank you." Y/n said hostilely. Then turning to me she said sweetly. "Cmon, let's go."

Aaron mouthed to me "Why, man?" Then out loud, he said. "Free me now! I have Ice cream in the trunk, it'll melt."

"Nope, you deserve that, bye Mr. Criminal." I said, waving goodbye.

When we got to the ferry, we saw that the baddies from the other night were already there. We tailed them for a while, then saw that there was a shifty looking man. I used my spidey-drone and listened to their conversation. "The merch is in the truck. Take what you want; you've paid me enough." One man said.

"We can't let them take the weapons!" Y/n said, itching for a fight. There were probably much simpler and more effective ways to deal with this, but I could see that she really wanted this.

"Let's drop in and fight, then!" I said, smiling at her sunny if a little dark enthusiasm. She could always make me smile.

True to our word, we dropped in and fought, managing to tie up the buyers and sellers. It all went wrong though, when the vulture showed up. He was shooting at us with a laser beam and when I webbed it, it exploded. He watched in triumph as it cut the ferry in half. The vulture then flew off, smirking as it sunk. Y/n used her mind to hold the ferry together as I webbed the strongest points together. She stopped, relieved when I was done.

"Congrats." Karen said "You were 98% accurate"

As a man clapped and said, "Let's hear it for Spider-Man and Blue-Ray," the webs snapped one by one. As the ferry began to fall apart, I grabbed two strands of the remaining webs and used my body to hold it together. I screamed at the wrenching feeling of my arms being pulled out of their sockets, but then the tension got easier. "What the hell?" I muttered as I sunk, the ferry's walls coming back together. It was like that meme. 'It was that moment that he knew he'd fucked up.' I watched as Iron man welded the whole ferry back together, and flew off to the top of a building. As the man from before shouted "Let's hear it for Iron Man," Y/n and I guiltily followed Tony like whipped puppies.

"I trusted you." He hissed, angrily pacing back and forth on the rooftop. "I was the only one who believed in you, and you let me down."

"Is everyone ok?" I asked numbly as I ran my hand through my hair. I felt awful.

"No. Thanks. To. You." The words hit me like a brick, and I reeled silently as he continued. "This isn't working out, I'm going to need the suit back."

A lump rose in my throat as I said "You can't! I'm nothing without this suit!"

"If you're nothing without the suit, you shouldn't have it." Tony admonished. Then he shook his head. "Gods, I sound like my father. Hand it over."

I took off the suit, and handed it to Tony. As he flew off, y/n hugged me. (I had clothes underneath, relax)

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now