Part 13

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Peter's POV

As I woke up groaning, I held my head. It felt like it was splitting at the seams. I stood up, and was surprised when a voice in my suit said, "You have a minor concussion."

I jumped, stammering "I have an A.I?"

"Yes, I was limited before by the training wheels protocol." The A.I explained.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"I do not know. My sensors are unable to function due to the metal walls around us." The A.I said.

That's when I realized we were still in the truck. It must've been taken into the vulture's lair. I prepared for the fight of my life, letting out an epic battle cry as I kicked down the door. Fists raised, I ran out. When I saw that there was no one there, I dropped them. "Um, suit lady, do you know where we are now?"

"We are in the most secure warehouse in the world. It stores hazardous alien materials from the attack of 2012." The A.I said monotonously. "The doors will not open until the next shipment arrives at 2:00 pm today."

I gulped worriedly. We'd have missed the decathlon by then! "What alien materials?" I asked.

"Explosive, purple, chituari crystals" the A.I answered.

Wait, Ned I'd carrying one of those on him! It could kill him. I ran to the door, trying to force it open. While I was failing miserably, y/n stirred in the truck behind me.

"Arghh" She groaned, yawning and stretching. "I feel like I was beaten by a bag of rocks." Then seeing that she was on the floor of a truck, her eyes widened and she said "Where in the name of Odin's beard are we?

From my perch on the door, I said "In a locked warehouse. We can't get out until morning."

As she got up, she said "Let me try to help."

As she tried to force the door open with her blue mind tendrils, I yanked on it with my hands. Together we budged it a crack open, but it slammed shut when y/n stopped trying, panting heavily with her hands on her knees.

"It's no use." She gasped. "We have to wait it out."

"Well, I have been looking for an excuse to run the crash course of all the webs in my super suit." Peter said, shrugging. "I'm really unfamiliar with all the varieties."


It had been an insufferably long time in this warehouse. Peter had gone through 207 combinations of webs (not that I was counting) and had even made me a web hammock. I was trying to snatch a few winks of sleep because surprisingly, sleeping in the floor of a moving, metal truck wasn't all that comfy. I watched happily as Peter skipped rope with his webs. He could be really adorable sometimes. Then he clambered up into my hammock, wedging himself in with me before asking, "Is there room for one more here?"

"Always" I said coyly, kissing the tip of his nose. "That's just what I needed to make my nap perfect."
I snuggled into him and closed my eyes.

Peter's POV

As y/n fell asleep, I chatted with my suit's A.I to kill time. "Hey suit lady, wait, I feel bad calling you suit lady, what do you want to be called?" I rambled.

"I do not have feelings, it doesn't matter." The A.I said robotically.

"Still. Hmm, what if I called you y/n? Oh god, no, that's weird." I said, thinking. Calling my suit y/n would be very odd, and would cause a lot of confusion. "What if I called you Karen? Yeah, that's perfect!" Deciding to test out the new name, I said "Karen, how long have we been trapped here?"

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now