Part 10

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Today is my first day as a hero, and I'm terrified. I never knew that it was such a heavy burden to bear. At least I have Peter to show me the ropes. Today after our first day back at school since the accident, we are going to go scout out for crime. When we entered the building though, there is a noticeable difference. Everyone is cupping their hands and staring while whispering to each other. Well, more than they regularly do.

"What did we do?" I whispered to Peter.

"I have no idea." He whispered back nervously, hiking his bag higher up on his shoulders to hide behind.

As I was making rude hand gestures and sticking my tongue out at people I caught obviously whispering, Flash strode up to us. "Hey loser and hottie, how's it going?"

I eyed him suspiciously as I warily said "Good, how are you."

Casually inspecting his nails he said "Oh, did you not hear the rumour going around about you two?"

"What did you do, Flash?" I growled.

"I didn't do anything." He smirked. "Someone said that you two ditched school on a three week long sexy field trip and that you slept together."

We both reddened. "Flash, why?" Peter groaned.

"What did we ever do to you?" I griped.

"I felt like it. Good luck being known as the slut who fucked a loser like Penis Parker. You should've joined me when you had the chance." Flash said.

Something in me snapped. I picked him up by the collar. "First of all, Peter has more personality in his little toe than you do in your entire body. And second, I'd rather be his hoe than your girlfriend any day." Then I kneed him in the groin and punched him in the face. I dropped him on the floor unceremoniously.

He said "You'll regret that"as he clutched his misshapen, bleeding nose.

"Say one more word and I'll hit you again" I said as he ran away.

Peter who had been silent that whole time spoke up. "Did you really mean those things you said, or were you just trying to get on Flash's nerves?"

I debated just telling him right then and there. Finally, I said "Of course I meant it."

Peter looked overjoyed. "Y/n, as much as it'd be fun to have you as my hoe, will you be my girlfriend?"

I laughed, he had a hilarious sense of humour. I smiled and nodded. He grabbed my hand and we walked to class together, ignoring the gossiping kids' loserish whispers around us.

When we sat down, we met up with M.J and Ned.

"Is the rumour true?" Ned whispered.

"Yah, spill the tea!" M.J said. "Give us all the details."

Both Peter and I rolled our eyes at that. "Well, we are dating, but no, we didn't sleep together. Flash is a lying little piece of shit, I thought you guys would know that." Peter told them.

I grinned evilly, relishing the idea of telling them the next detail. "When I heard that Flash spread that rumour, I punched him in the nose."

They both reeled in shock. "You go my girl!" M.J said, high-fiving me.

Ned said "I now respect you way more, yet am now terrified of you."

I snatched his trademark fedora and placed it on a jaunty angle on my head. "You have no reason to be scared of me. I only use my fists for the forces of good or in this case, beating up Flash."

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now