Part 12

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Peter's POV

As I was actually brushing my teeth in y/n's sink this morning, I found it so crazy that the first time she took me home was when I was unconscious after a fight. When I woke up in the morning, I saw that y/n was cuddled up to me. I carefully got up, placing her head on the pillow. I crept out the door, needing to use the bathroom. I managed to find it, but when I looked in the mirror, I wasn't in my spidey suit, I was wearing my pyjamas. I wondered how she got them, then remembered our slumber party and assumed that she just hadn't returned them. Then I thought of a more embarrassing thing. I checked, and was relieved to see that she didn't change my underwear for me. Of course she didn't, Peter, she isn't a perv! Why would you think that? I used the bathroom, then smacked my lips together. Ugh, my mouth tasted so fuzzy. I hate mornings. I checked under the sink, and found a toothbrush. I carefully opened it from its case and hoped that y/n wouldn't mind. Then she walked in, groggily rubbing her eyes.

"G'morning" She said. Then she raised an eyebrow. "Is that mine?"

I froze in the act of brushing my teeth. My mouth was all foamy, there was no denying it. "Um, maybe?"

She rolled her eyes. "Gimme it, my mouth's all morningy"

She snatched the toothbrush and without even bothering to rinse it, began to brush her teeth. At that moment, her Mother walked in wearing a nightdress. "Oh my gosh, y/n!" She said as I cupped my hands and drank some water from the sink. "I didn't know we had company."

"Hello, Mrs. l/n" I said politely, extending my hand for her to shake. "I'm Peter, y/n's boyfriend."

Y/n's Mother made a face as though she was unimpressed. Jokingly, she said "From the way y/n goes on and on about you, I would've guessed you were the god, Thor!"

Y/n gagged on her toothpaste. "Mom shut up!" She said as I reddened. She was looking pretty red herself. I didn't know she actually liked me that much. It made me feel very special and as though I was floating.

"Would you like to stay for breakfast, Petey?" Y/n's Mother said sweetly. "I'm making a new recipe of avocado toast."

Y/n nodded, looking hopeful. I grinned and agreed. As y/n went to go get dressed and her Mother went to go make breakfast, I slipped out of the window with my suit. I crawled into my room and put on some proper clothes. I told Aunt May that I had slept over at y/n's and that I was going back for breakfast. She smiled from ear to ear and clapped me on the back.

Aunt May commended me. "Nice going, Pete! You found a real diamond in the ruff. I really like her." Then she stopped, confused. "I never heard you come inside."

I nervously scratched my neck. "Well...uh...I guess I'm stealthier than you thought." I said, shrugging. That was a real dumb move, Peter! If she figures it out you're screwed.

Aunt May accepted that answer and waved goodbye to me as I walked back over to y/n's.

I climbed up the wall and went back in the window. "Oh, you're back." Y/n said, kissing my nose. "Breakfast is ready."

I ate a very carefree meal with y/n and her Mother before heading to school.

"Today's the trip to the decathlon in Washington." I said excitedly as we boarded the bus. (In my version of events Peter never quit the decathlon and y/n is also on the team. I'm the writer, I have all the power, Mua ha ha)

"I can't wait!" Y/n said jovially, skipping into the bus.

"We're going to kick their asses" M.J said from the seat behind us.

Ned ruffled my hair from behind, saying "Where were you yesterday? Flash destroyed your rep when you didn't show up to the party."

I brushed it off. There were bigger things in play than Flash, such as beating bad guys and growing my relationship with y/n. "Well, I almost drowned yesterday, and not to kiss and tell, but y/n and I kissed."

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now