Part 7

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Peter's POV

I was on the phone with Mr. Stark after the explosion of the lab.

"Yes, sir I managed to get everyone out in time, except myself and my best friend. She's hurt, we need help immediately." I croaked, singed and battered. I think I deflected most of the pain away from y/n, but she still hadn't woken up. As I held her burnt hand, I wasn't sure if that was because of the anesthesia steam or her injuries. She had a pulse, but it was growing weaker by the second.

"I'm on my way now in my chopper, kid. Hold on." Mr. Stark said. "I'm proud of you for getting most people out in time."

"Thanks Mr. Stark" I said weakly, hanging up.
I cringed as shame ate me away. I only saved most people. I couldn't save the one person who matters to me most. "Please, y/n, wake up" I whispered, stroking her hair. A little girl that y/n had helped to save toddled over and put her tiny hand on mine, her eyes filled with tears. "Tanks for helpin me." She said, looking at the still form of y/n.


When I blacked out, I was in the worst pain of my life. Everything was burning, there was a screaming in my head and the smell of burnt flesh was pungent. And then it all faded away. I was in a dark place, just floating in the peaceful nothingness. I could see a light up ahead, and I wanted to go bask in it. There was a melodic singing, beckoning me forwards. But as I drifted closer, I heard Peter's voice behind me saying "Please, y/n wake up" He sounded so lost and alone. I looked back and forth. Should I go towards the light, or back into the darkness towards Peter? My mind made up, I turned away from the light and rushed towards where I heard Peter's voice calling. I wandered aimlessly, screeching Peter's name.

Peter's POV

I saw her eyelids fluttering and it gave me hope. "Come on, y/n I know you can do it!" I encouraged, hugging her into me. She had to wake up. I never got to tell her how I feel. "Wake up."

Just then, some reporters came up to me. "Hey, son we heard you and the little lady were the kids who rescued all the people in the building. Tell me, how does it feel to be a hero?" The nosy reporter shoved his microphone in my face. I waved it away. Couldn't he see I had more important things to do than answer questions?

"I'm sorry but no comment, leave me alone, y/n is hurt, I have to wait here until help arrives." I explained. Then I went back to patting y/n's back and muttering sweet nothings into her ear to try and get her to wake up.

The reporter obliviously ignored the dire situation and asked his frivolous questions again. "What a pretty girl you got there, boy! Are you two dating?"

"" I spluttered. Then getting angry, I said "Leave us alone." I snatched his microphone out of my face and threw it into the bushes. As the man ran to retrieve it, a chopper whirred down and landed. Two paramedics with a stretcher came out and lifted y/n on. I grabbed her hand, unwilling to leave her side as we wheeled into the helicopter. Tony Stark was sitting inside with his legs crossed. "Hey, kid" he said. When he saw my brutal condition, he snapped his fingers and said "Doc, put him under. He needs urgent care as well as this girl." Before I could complain or object, I felt a needle prick my arm and I fell into a deep, quiet sleep.

Tom Holland, am I in a museum? Cause you're truly a work of art.

Gah, this is my shortest one yet. I really hafta put my mind to making longer chapters. I just wanted to end it dramatically with them both unconscious. You'll notice that's how I end a lot of chapters. I am unoriginal, what can I say?

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now