Part 6

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I had just gotten dressed and applied some mascara and lipgloss, peering into my window and using it as a mirror again. Then I stopped. There on Peter's window ledge was Spider-Man. He had half his mask rolled up and was eating a sandwich while talking on the phone. I waved at him, and he waved back. I briefly wondered who he was as I went back to my preparations. Then I went back to thinking about my trip. Was I going overboard? We were going to a lab! Was this a date? I decided to chance it and keep the makeup on. I skipped down the stairs, delighted for the trip. But as I hit the final step, I tripped, falling over. I accidentally scraped the palms of my hands on the floor. It stung, but I wouldn't let it stop me. I made my way over to Peter's house. When I tapped on the door a couple of times, Peter let me in. "You know that Spider-Man is sitting on your window-ledge, right?" I pointed out.

"Really?" He said, going over to check it out. When there was no one in sight, Peter said "Good one, y/n
you really got me there!"

I rolled my eyes "He was there, he probably just left to go fight some crime."

Peter looked at me strangely. "What do you think of Spider-Man?"

I considered in my head for a moment, gathering my thoughts. "I think he's one of the best superheroes out there. He saved my life the other day, and he has really interesting powers. I'd really like to ask him how his webs work, the science behind them is very intriguing. I also love that he has the guts to help the little people, not just large scale crimes like the Avengers."

Peter nodded, taking in my ideas. He murmured "I never thought about it that way." Then he brightly said. "Let's go to the lab already. Apparently they're going to show off some new tech today.

I agreed, and we hopped in the car. Aunt May drove us over and dropped us there. Together, Peter and I drooled over some of the most high-tech items and nerded out over some of the most interesting things the world had to offer us.

"You know, I built an A.I like that." I said proudly, gesturing at the model we were being shown. Then I showed him Tessa, my more current model.

"No way!" He said grabbing my wrist. As he examined it he said "Are you related to Tony Stark?"

"Not in the slightest, I just enjoy tinkering with stuff." I admitted.

Then the lights dimmed. A voice came on the speakers "And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for, we will release the new piece you've all been dying to see. I squeaked in excitement, grabbing Peter's hand. He interlaced his fingers with mine, smiling. Then he noticed my scraped, bloody red palms.

"What happened?" He asked concernedly.

Aww, he was worried about me! "I just tripped on the way to your apartment." I shrugged. "Not a big deal."

Then the metal curtains began to open, so we couldn't continue our conversation. But suddenly things went wrong. A blaring alarm went off alerting, "Bweep, unstable. Bweep, unstable." The curtains juddered to a halt, only a crack open. Suddenly, blue steam began hissing through the crack, causing everyone to cough. Some were falling to the ground, unconscious.

"What's happening? I wheezed as spots filled my vision.

"What's wrong with everyone?" Peter said, confused. "You all look so sleepy, but it isn't affecting me at all."

"Run." I gasped, blacking out.

When Peter saw that I'd fainted, he grabbed me and shook me by the shoulders. "Y/n!" He said frantically.

It worked, and I snorted up some of the steam, waking up. "We have to get everyone out of here." I mumbled, shakily standing up.

"You're in no condition to" Peter protested.

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now