Part 4

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Peter POV

I was feeling extremely on edge as I paced around my house, muttering. Is the popcorn ready? Check. Is the movie all ready without technical difficulties? Double check. As I continued checking things off in my mind, Aunt May came up behind me with a bemused look on her face.

"Why are you freaking out Pete, it's just a standard movie night. We have them all the time." She asked.

That was true, why was I so nervous about tonight? Oh, just because we were having a funny, smart, and pretty new girl over to join us for movies. That's definitely not why I'm stressing so hard.....
On one hand, if I told Aunt May she would tease me relentlessly. But in the other hand, it was wrong to lie to her and she'd see y/n anyway when she came over.

"I'm not freaking out" I said, already feeling my voice go higher pitched as I denied it. "We're just going to have some new company with us tonight, that's all."

Aunt May raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"Well, you know the girl from this morning in the window? She goes to my school and Ned invited her to our movie night." I continued.

"Oooh," Aunt May excitedly squealed. Then she stopped. "And you're wearing that?"

I self consciously looked down at my 'I survived my trip to NYC' t-shirt and my hello kitty pants. "What?" It's a pj party! And they're cozy..." I said, trying to defend my outfit.

"Ok, hon" Aunt May said, throwing up her hands on defeat. "Your choice."

As I was regretting my decision and was about to go change, I heard a knock at the door. "They're heeeere" Aunt May delightedly sang, clapping her hands. She opened the door and I saw that the first person here was y/n. I came to the door in my pyjamas, and mentally kicked myself when I saw that she wasn't wearing any. Of course she wouldn't. She's too cool for that. What was I thinking?! She was in casual clothes, but they sure as hell weren't pyjamas.

"H..hi" I stammered. Then against my own will I blurted, "You're not wearing pyjamas."

She looked down at her outfit then looked at mine and her eyes widened. "Oh no! No one told me anything about a pyjama party! I thought it was just a movie night."

Then Aunt May cut in. "I might have a solution to this dilemma. Why don't you borrow some of Peter's?"

She looked slightly uncomfortable, but she smiled and said "I certainly wouldn't want to be the only one without pyjamas on."

I led her to my room and rooted around in my chest of drawers for some pyjamas while she sat on my bed, looking around the room.

"You have a nice room" Y/n commented, looking at the various Star Wars posters lining my walls.

I smiled, glad that she liked my taste. "Thank you."

Finally realizing I only had one pyjama shirt left and that I was wearing it, I told her to leave while I put on another shirt. She complied, and I heard her laughing along to one of Aunt May's terrible jokes. She had such a great laugh, I thought dreamily, pausing in the act of putting on my shirt to listen. Then the door opened. It was y/n! And I still didn't have a shirt on! ARGHHH KILL ME NOW THIS IS TOO MUCHHHHH. As y/n came in, she was saying something about Aunt May asking where I had left the laundry bin, when she froze, seeing me.

"S..sorry" She said, covering her eyes. But was it just me, or was she peeking between her fingers? "I thought you were done..."

"It's ok," I said, feeling like a tomato as I quickly slipped on another shirt. "Here, you can change into this." I handed her a shirt and then thought of a devious thing to say. I grinned coyly and said "I promise I won't walk in while you have your shirt off."

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now