Part 9

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After a week of in and out sleeping, I felt well enough to get out of bed. During my rest time, Peter waited on me hand and foot, feeding me soup and reading me stories. Thinking about it now, I don't think he slept at all. My sweet goof. I insisted that he should go to school, but he refused to leave my side. I love how he's that devoted. My Mom also popped by periodically, but it was expected that she wouldn't stick around. I knew she wanted to, but she couldn't. Her job was keeping her busy as ever. Turns out, I never really bothered to ask what her new job actually was. She worked with Tony Stark, helping to create all sorts of fascinating tech. I guess that's where I got my big brain from. And I have superpowers now! I don't know how Mr. Stark and Peter knew, but ever since the accident, I can lift things with my mind. But it really drains me, I must practice more so I can get out there and be a hero. Also, Peter confessed. He was Spider-Man all along. He was the one who saved my life that first day, and it made me like him even more... Anyway, if I ever want to get out there, I have to limit myself to baby steps at a time. Today is the day I'm actually managing to get out of bed. Leaning on Peter for support, I hobbled around.

"Now we can go to school again!" I laughed, delighted that I could move. I suddenly felt very upset. I apologized, "I'm so sorry for making you miss school."

He brushed off the apology. "It's no big deal, taking care of you is way more important."

I don't know what came over me, but in a bold move, I kissed his cheek in gratitude. "Thanks, Petey."

He blushed, using his free hand to pat his cheek disbelievingly. Then he said, "Do you remember anything about the first day you were unconscious in the hospital?"

I cocked my head in confusion. "I remember something about a giraffe?" I said, trying to yank the memory out of my head. "Why?"

He visibly drooped as he said "No reason, you were just saying a lot of crazy things."

Eek, I wonder what I said. I dropped the subject, hastily replying "Oh ok,"

As I made progress in my recovery, I trained in my powers too, getting stronger each day. Soon I could lift objects as heavy as a person without sweating.

"Wow," Peter said as I lifted him up and down with my mind. "You're getting better at this."

I smiled at the praise and 'accidentally' dropped him on top of me as my 'concentration was broken.'

"Oof." I said, the air whooshing out of my lungs as I toppled over.

For a second, our lips were inches apart and I could almost see what I hoped was his internal battle about whether or not to kiss me. I was having the same dilemma myself. Then he rolled off of me, breathing heavily as he lay on the floor. It must've winded him too to be dropped. I rolled into my side and said "Sorry for dropping you."

He looked like he was about to say something when Tony walked in. "Am I interrupting something?" He asked, smirking.

"No, Tony" I snapped, wishing that there was something to be interrupted in the first place. Why couldn't I have just kissed him? "What do you want?" I continued.

"Come with me, both of you." He motioned for us to come and we did. We went down the twisty staircase to Tony's secret office/garage. Inside, there were so many Iron Man suits lined up in a row and there were all sorts of different machines and gadgets. The whole place smelt like oil and metal. It was an inventor's paradise."Y/n, give me your watch." He said, already removing it from my wrist. "By the way, congrats on building such an advanced A.I at such a young age"

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now