Part 8

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Peter's POV

When I came to, I was in a hospital bed hooked up to various wires and tubes. Aunt May was there, red-eyed and weepy. She saw that I was awake and cried out "Peter I'm so proud of you. You saved so many lives." She gave me a bone-crushing hug.

I winced. It made my whole body ache again. All my burns were yelling bloody murder at me.

Then she became angry. "How could you do that? You could've died!"

"I'm fine, Aunt May." I said weakly. Then I panicked. "Wait, where's y/n?"

"Right there." Tony Stark said, emerging from the doorway. I found it a little weird, yet flattering, that he was watching over me while I was out. Tony pointed at the bed right beside mine.  I relaxed, relieved that she was alive and well-ish.

"Ma'am, I need to speak to your son alone." Mr. Stark said authoritatively.

Aunt May nodded and left, closing the door behind her.

Mr. Stark sat down on the edge of my bed. "Peter, I've always thought of myself as your mentor, and it's my responsibility to look after you. If anything ever happened to you I'd never forgive myself. So I think that it's time I give you a better suit. That way you won't die on my watch."

I almost cried as he showed it to me. It was so high tech and amazing. "I don't know what to say, Mr. Stark. Thank you."

"Please," He said warmly "You can call me Tony. Mr. Stark was my Father."

"Ok, T..T...Tony," I said gratefully.

"Oh, another thing." Tony said. "When you were out, you kept muttering something about a y/n. Is that her there?" He gestured towards y/n.

I gulped "Yes. What did I say?"

He grinned with a twinkle in his eyes. "It doesn't matter now, but you better not let this one go."

I blushed. Just as Tony was turning to leave, y/n stirred in her bed. We both stopped and watched as she opened her eyes. I raced over to the edge of her bed to be there when she awoke.

"Peter" she said quietly with a goofy smile. Then she patted my cheek. "You have such a nice face. I could eat it with a spoon."

I looked over quizzically at Mr. Stark to see if he had an answer to why y/n was acting so strangely. He muffled a laugh and said "She's pretty hopped up on pain meds. I wouldn't trust anything she says right now."

"Peter" She said more lucidly, looking me square in the eye. "Did we get everyone out in time?"

"Yes, don't worry." I said soothingly, stroking her arm.

"Is that the great Tony stark right there, or is it a purple giraffe?" Y/n asked, giggling loonily.

Tony looked a little insulted, but answered, "Yes, I am Tony Stark, nice to meet you, y/n."

She cupped her mouth in her hands. Then she whispered very loudly. "I can't believe it! He knows my name, Pete. Also shh, don't tell anyone but I have seuperpowers. I'd only ever tell you because I looove you, Petey pie." She booped my nose, grinning.

"Uh huh, I know." I said calmly. Inside I was cwartwheeling. Did she really love me? She couldn't, she did just say that she had powers. I just had to c ehalk it up as her not knowing what she was saying.

"See?" She continued. Staring at the picture of a sunflower on the wall, a tendril of blue light lifted it up and carried it over to her. "Toldja." Then she grabbed my face roughly and kissed me on the lips. "I've been wanting to do that." She said in a slurred voice, then promptly passed out.

Tony laughed as I put a hand to my lips. Did she know what she just did? Was it pain meds? Did she like me?

"That must've been tiring." Tony mused.

"What, the kiss or the powers?" I said. No, she obviously couldn't like me, I had to just accept that. Besides, there were bigger things to worry about, like the fact that y/n has powers! Suddenly I felt disappointed. Did she have them for long? Did she just not want to tell me? Then I thought of something.

"Hey, the colour of the light was blue like the steam from the lab! I think the explosion gave y/n powers!" I reasoned.

"Just to be devil's advocate here, why didn't you get more powers?" Tony reasonably pointed out.

"Maybe already having spider powers made me immune. I was already immune to the steam, so it couldn't give me powers when it exploded." I said slowly, thinking about every word.

"We should test her DNA," Mr. Stark said as he plunged a syringe into y/n's arm. Just as I'd predicted, the blood was an eerie blue colour instead of red.

"Wait, see!" I said, my theory gaining traction every second. I picked up her hand. "Look here. Where the scratches from her fall used to be red, now they're blue. She gained her powers from the explosion."

"Huh." Tony said, impressed "Good work." Then he noticed the bags under my eyes. He suggested. "You should go back to sleep, kid. Your body needs it to heal properly."

"But I have to watch over y/n until she wakes." I said, unwilling to close my eyes. I didn't want to miss her waking up and saying something important to me. That kiss might not have been just a mistake...

Then Tony rolled his eyes and said, "I'll leave you to it, Romeo."

I ignored him and kept holding y/n's hand, waiting for her to wake.

Tom Holland, are you French? Because Eiffel for you.....

Aw, is anyone falling in love with Tom Holland yet? Just me? Ok....
Side note, writing about y/n being drunk on pain meds was fun, I loved making her call Tony Stark a purple giraffe. Lmao :)

I Can't Help Falling In Love With You, Peter Parker, Tom Holland x readerWhere stories live. Discover now