Chapter 31

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"So... let's go over this one more time, shall we?" The blonde pigtailed girl started as she gestured to the shorter male companion next to her. "You tell no one about what you know and this includes Gerald..."

Arnold opened his mouth to say something but froze the moment she gave him a piercing glare. He swallowed and faced forward while they walked down the dirty sidewalk on the way to school.

"This also includes anyone you know, including people you DON'T know. Got it?" Helga finished with a concentrated look.

"Got it." Arnold said in a low, downtrodden voice. He hated that he had to keep this information to himself, but knew there was no real solution even if he was to confide in someone.

"And finally, you are not, under ANY circumstances, going to talk to Brainy."

The moment the girl finished her added insert, Arnold shot a look of astonishment at her. "What?"

"Get it through that thick, football shaped skull of yours!" Helga growled as she poked his forehead. "This isn't your business! HE isn't your business! Got that?"

"But..." Arnold tried but was cut off almost as soon as he uttered the first syllable.

"BUT NOTHING!!" Helga howled back. She took in a deep breath and steadied her thoughts. "I'll deal with him myself. It'll only complicate things more if you butt in!"

Arnold huffed but said nothing in response. There was nothing he could say to change her mind, and he knew that. This was just something she was going to have to handle on her own even if he did disagree with her. He thought back to their conversation the night prior and frowned. It was plainly apparent how uncomfortable she was being the center of all of this mess and he wanted to do everything in his power to make things right, even if it meant him not being in it at all.

They both rounded a few more corners until they could just make out the school in the distance. The morning had been a little more chaotic than normal which led to the two preteens becoming a little later than usual in running out of the door.

A large swarm of students were congregated in front of the steps of P.S 118, which caused interest amongst the couple but before they could get anywhere close to the kids, Helga grabbed Arnolds arm and held him back.

"Remember what I said Arnold, or so help me-"

"I got it, Helga." Arnold reassured her with a just as warning tone, causing her to back down from her stance. "I won't speak a word of it to anyone."

"And?" She pressed forward, nudging towards the spikey haired quiet kid who happened to also be in the gaggle of students.

Arnold shook his head. "And I won't approach Brainy either."

Helga looked at him warily but when she saw in his eyes that he wasn't backing down from his word, she gave him a small sigh and freed his arm. She watched as he continued to walk ahead of her to see what the commotion was about and took this moment to self-contemplate.

"Oh Arnold... what a feeble-minded fool, what a near-sighted nincompoop.... How I hate the way he insists his personal opinions on others. Always throwing his two cents into people's lives without them asking for it! How I loathe him..." She whispered through her grit teeth in frustration. "And yet..."

Helga looked around to see if anyone had noticed her standing by herself at the end of the sidewalk. She noticed the way the morning sunlight shown on his golden locks that stuck out whimsically; the way he was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet while he tried to get a better look through the cluster of eager kids without pushing anyone out of his way.

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