Chapter 36

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Arnold watched out of the bus window impatiently as he noticed the bus going back into the heart of town. The anticipation was killing him, but he knew that if he asked where they were going, he would only be shot down again, and since this bus sadly had no working air conditioner, he knew it would be a more hostile shot than normal.

He could hear Gerald and Phoebe softly talking in the seat in front of him, and giggling about something, but was unable to make out any words. He looked over at Helga, who looked as annoyed as she possibly could be as, and decided not to bother her with idle conversation. Instead, he focused his attention back out the window and enjoyed what he could of the ride.

The bus would stop periodically and passengers got on and off. He listened to the money clink inside the collection next to the driver. He could hear a baby whining somewhere behind him, and a mother calmly shushing it. Gingerly, Arnold rested his head up against the window and was finding the motions of the bus were lulling him into a daze.


Phoebe stood up and grabbed the bus string that hung draped across the edge of the ceiling and wall, causing Arnold to suddenly jolt up and back into focus.

"Are we there yet?!" He asked excitedly to the friends around him.

"When the bus comes to a stop, yeah Football head." Helga replied, dully. "Keep your pants on."

Arnold smiled and chuckled at her response, even if it didn't sound very nice. "Sorry, Helga. I'm just really excited."

The bus let out a loud screech, then hissing sound as it came to a complete stop, and the four eagerly left the hot vehicle.

Once the bus had finally left, Arnold waited for the large amount of smoke from the exhaust to clear before he looked around to acknowledge his surroundings. There wasn't anything particular of note around him, but he was sure of one thing, they were close to the movie theater.

The crew began to walk ahead of him and he quickly jogged to catch up.

"The movies?" He asked Gerald, causing the boy to smile back. "I knew it!"

"Well, saying the next place would cool us off, was a dead giveaway." Helga growled in frustration, as this was the one place that she had planned for them to go.

"What movie are we seeing?" The odd headed boy asked impatiently, with clutched fists full of anticipation.

Helga shrugged. "Don't know yet, all depends on what's playing."

The answer was both confusing, and intriguing and Arnold decided it was good enough. "Okay."

Once the movie theater was in sight, he noticed that instead of going to the front counter, they were going into the alleyway next to it.

"We're... sneaking in?" He asked, a bit concerned.

The four stopped in front of the emergency exit to one of the showing rooms.

"Well... We wanted you to be able to have the full experience with snacks and stuff." Gerald shrugged as he pulled out the remainder of the money. "And you wouldn't have been able to with what we have left."

Phoebe frowned. "I don't recall this being part of the plan."

"Relax, Phoebe." Helga said as she removed the small cardboard wedge that held the door propped open. "I've been sneaking into the movies since I was five." She opened the door enough to slip through. "No one will even notice us."

Gerald gave his frustrated girlfriend an apologetic look before shrugging and following Helga. With a shake of her head, she followed and so did Arnold.

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