Chapter 29

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It had been five days since the Beeper Emporium had burned down and the Pataki's were beginning to feel the strain not only on their comfort, but on their finances as well. Even with the motel being the cheapest in the area, without a kitchen to be able to cook their own food, they were forced to order take-out daily. Day after day, money dwindled and with no news from the bank or the insurance company, Bob was at his wits end. He understood investigations took time. He understood that in order for him to get this insurance payout, he had to remain calm and patient but every moment of the day was being wasted with waiting. 'Time is money' he was brought up to believe and this only meant he was losing money daily that he could have been earning.

Miriam had done her best to point out possible jobs in the area, but Bob had refused them all.

"I created an Empire, Miriam! And you want me to stoop down and get a minimum wage job?" He shouted at the poor woman.

"It would just be until we're back on our feet, B..." She pleaded, holding today's newspaper in front of him.

"And how do you think that will make me look?" He growled as he crossed his arms in defiance. "I'll be the laughing stock of the whole city! I started my business from the bottom and built it to the very top! Going back to the docks and hauling freight would be going right back to square one." Shame lingered in his voice. How was he to know that beepers weren't going to last longer than they did? How was he to know that the wiring wasn't secured safely when he had one of his buddies rig it for him to get free utilities? It was all bad luck and showing off his weakness to everyone else was something he couldn't bear.

"Bob... it wouldn't be that bad..." Miriam frowned. "It would only be for a little while..."

He could hear her words; the desperation that she couldn't hide. He wanted to be good for her. He wanted their family to be prosperous. That was his job as a man but look at him now. Bob stared around their motel room and then back at himself. He needed to do something and fast to make up for the lost income. Big Bob opened up his flip phone and began to rummage through his contacts.

Miriam sighed and placed the newspaper back down. How long were they going to stay like this? She understood that these turns of events were causing him mental strain but sitting when you should be moving wasn't going to get them anywhere. That was when she decided there was only one option for her at this point, and that was to apply at a job herself. Getting up, she walked over to her purse and looked through it. She had a little bit more cash and would use this money to get her a decent set of clothes in order to look presentable to employers, with or without her husband alongside her.

"I'm going out." She stated as she slung her purse on her shoulder. "I'll be back in a bit."

The news caused her husband to look up in surprise. "Where are you going?"

"I just thought a nice walk would help my mood..." She lied, knowing full well if she admitted her plan to him that he would try and stop her.

Bob waved her off and continued to look through his phone, causing his wife to leave without another word.

"He's gotta be in here somewhere..." Bob said to himself as he continued to scroll through his contacts. As much as he wanted to be able to use the money they had left to buy their house back, he knew it was stupid to jump in head first to another financial debt without anything to help him float. He needed money to get the house and keep it, and for that he would need income. Having been in the business, Bob had gained many contact and a few of them still owed him some favors which he was now planning on collecting. With a few more scrolls down his contact list, he finally got to the name in question: Nick Vermicelli. "That sleazebag owes me big from that last stunt he pulled..." He murmured to himself before pressing the call button.

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