Chapter 10

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The wind had picked up by the time Arnold got close to his house and he quickly held his coat closed before opening his front door and rushing in, almost tripping on the random assortment of animals trying to get out. He shook his head back and forth, causing his hair to go back into place. Immediately he could feel his body begin to warm up as he took off his jacket and hung it up.

"Is that you, son?" He heard his father call from another room.

"Yeah, Dad!" Arnold called back before searching for him.

Arnold found his parents waiting for him in the living room, both sitting next to each other and holding hands. The sight made the boy's heart warm up, as he could only imagine the love they shared.

"Have a seat, Arnold. We were hoping to talk to you for a while." His Mother said while gesturing to the chair besides them.

He could feel a little concern begin to rise up with in him but he sat down and looked at them curiously. "What's up?" He asked, hoping whatever it was, wasn't a big deal.

They both looked at one another with an uneasy smile, and then turned back to their son. "Nothing much. How was school?" Asked Miles.

Arnold mulled over his day silently before opening his mouth to speak. "It was alright." He replied weakly. "Although, I had a bit of trouble but it was resolved quickly."

"Did it have anything to do with yesterday?" Miles frowned.

"Your father told me about the incident yesterday, Arnold. I hope everything is alright." Stella added with a look of worry.

"It is, for the most part..." Arnold started, resting his back against the seat. "Helga and I were called to the Principals office and got questioned, as were a few of my friends... who then sorta blamed us for it." He could see that his parent's expressions only got dimmer as he explained. "But don't worry! I handled it and got everything sorted out. Everyone is okay and friends again."

"Well that's good, honey." Stella said, placing her warm loving hand on his knee.

"Yeah! We're so glad we have such a good and -" Miles started before stopping and choosing his next word carefully, "mature son."

The compliment made Arnold brighten up a little. "Thanks Mom and Dad." He smiled. "That really means a lot."

Stella then patted her husband on the leg and stood up. "I'll leave this conversation to you and help Mom upstairs with the cleaning." She said softly.

Miles gave the woman a look of horror as she began to walk away. "A-alright..." He said with an unsure tone, causing Arnold to tilt his head in confusion. He watched his wife walk out of the room and sighed before stiffening up his posture.

Arnold knew there was something wrong. "What happened, Dad?"

Miles felt his mouth go dry as well as his heart begin to beat rapidly. "Uhhh... how to start..." he whispered to himself. "Arnold," He began strongly, "There comes a time in every boys life when he needs to have a... heart to heart with his old man." He looked to his son and gave an empowered look. "Do you understand, son?"

Feeling like he knew where this talk was headed, Arnold gulped and nodded. "I guess? But if this is about the bird and the bees Dad, Grandpa already had this talk with me."

A sense of relief washed over the adult male and he exhaled loudly. "Oh thank goodness!" He then glanced over at his son and saw his awkward expression. "I mean, that's good to hear." He corrected himself and straightened his posture again. "But that's not exactly what we're gonna talk about son. How about we head up to your room to continue this conversation? I know this can be a high traffic area sometimes."

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