Chapter 21

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The 6th grade class of P.S 118 cheered as their returned friend took a bow and settled herself down at the only free desk, which happened to be behind Stinky in the far right corner of the room. The southern boy turned his body around and smiled at the young girl.

"Welcome back, Miss Lila. I have to say I missed your glowing smile and rosy cheeks, heck I reckon we all have!" He said in a warm voice which delighted the girl.

"That is ever so sweet of you, Stinky." She replied gratefully, "I've missed you all ever so much as well!"

Mr. Simmons cleared his voice to get the classes attention again and began to write the day's lesson on the board. "Yes, it is very good to have you back in class Lila! Now everyone get out your history books and turn to page 209 so we can begin today's topic of Greek God and how they shaped religion for around the world!"

Most of the students did not mind this topic and obediently followed his instructions. The overly enthusiastic gentleman started his lesson while the students listened on and took notes that he had periodically written down. Many interesting stories and facts were told about the far away land and their interesting history and lore. There were a few questions, giggles and sounds of awe as the teacher continued on.

Minutes turned into hours and soon half the day's classes were over and it was now time for lunch. The hungry and eager students filed out of the room in route to the old cafeteria. Many were still interested in Lila's time with her family and gathered around her at the table she chose.

"Oh, I had the most delightful time!" She sang with her fingers clasped together. "It was ever so wonderful to see my extended family again."

"What did you do while you were there?" Harold asked curiously.

"Yeah, do you have any color yarns to weave for us today, Miss Lila?" Stinky contributed.

"Well..." The pleasant girl started as she began to shyly play with one of her braids. "As I wrote in my letter, the reason I went away was to help my Aunt May. She had gotten an ever so serious infection after hurting herself in the yard and it needed to be treated right away." The kids all listened quietly as she spoke. "Although many of my relatives live in South Carolina, a lot of them have... rather busy lives and could not take the opportunity to help her. She is my father's precious little sister so he felt obliged to help which I was ever so grateful to join in!"

"Is she feeling better now? Did they clear the infection?" Arnold asked eagerly, gaining the soft girls attention.

"Why, Yes Arnold! She is fit as a fiddle and is back in her field planting daisy's as we speak, I imagine." The young girl replied with a hopeful smile. "I believe she'll be ever so careful this time around."

"Boy howdy, I didn't realize an infection could make you have to stay in a hospital!" Sid called out with a frightened look.

"Of course, Sid! Any infection if left untreated could seriously hurt your body! The infected area needs to be drained from the puss right away and antibiotics given to clear it up" Sheena replied informatively, "You could always ask my Aunt Shelley about it!"

"That is absolutely repulsive!" Rhonda cried in disgust.

"I don't know, Rhonda. It sounds pretty interesting to me!" Eugene disagreed happily, earning a smile from Sheena.

"Well of course you would find it interesting, Eugene! With how much you injure yourself, I'm sure you've had plenty of disgusting infections!" Rhonda replied as she backed away from the small boy before crossing her arms, "And besides, you're a geek! Geeks are always interested in weird things."

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