Chapter 42

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"Okay, so here's the plan..." Harold's hushed voice beckoned towards his group of friends in the Boy's locker room. They had all just gotten back from another cramp inducing, but 'highly pivotal' session with Coach Wittenberg that they'd all had their fill of for another day. The boys gathered around their large friend, some shoving their dirty gym clothes into their backpacks to take home and wash, while others tossed the clothes haphazardly back into their assigned lockers. "We have until Sunday morning to grab the stash," He continued, noticing they were all paying attention. "So tonight, we all get together for a big sleepover and discuss our plan of action!" His eyes lit up excitedly as he scanned the faces of each of the other boys. "That way, we can be 100% ready and we can't lose!"

"Let me get this straight..." Gerald said, crossing his arms. "Your plan is to have everyone get together an... create a plan?" As he finished, he arched his eyebrow with a smirk. "Genius."

"I know, right!" Harold smiled largely and laughed.

Curly let out a scoff. "We'll we're not staying at my house." He stated, snubbing his head toward another direction. "I like to keep a low profile, and don't need anyone snooping around my stuff!"

"Nobody wants to see your wall to wall Rhonda shrine, Curly." Sid laughed at the boy's ridiculous notion of them even suggesting his house was an option, then turned his attention back to the mass. "But we definitely can't stay at my house either. My aunt is staying over for the weekend and my mom usually has a fit if anything is out of place."

"What're you talking about, Sid? Your place is a pigsty almost all the time." Stinky let out his own smirk of amusement, watching as his short friend turned to quickly glare at him. "Since when has your ma ever given a hoot about keeping it tidy?"

"Since she patched things up with my aunt, Dah!" The boy shouted back in offense. "At least my house is warm and isn't heated by a stove and some lanterns!"

Stinky scowled and walked closer, hovering over his stringy haired friend. "My family likes to keep the cost of living low, on accounta' we ain't bleeding millionaires!"

"Guys, guys!" Arnold placed his arms between the two and ushered them away from each other. "Calm down! We aren't here to fight about whose house is better."

"Whatever." Sid shrugged, sitting down on one of the benches. "Why don't we just all sleep over your house than, Arnold? Like we always do."

"Yeah!" Harold and Stinky nodded in agreement.

Arnold gulped, knowing very well why that was impossible. He quickly turned to Gerald, who simply cringed sympathetically as if just watching Arnold bash his foot against a rock. "Uhhh... We can't." He forced out, trying to quickly think of a decent reason as to why not before they could ask. "Because..." Feeling judgmental eyes on him, Arnold's brain worked quickly to throw something together that was believable enough. "Because today is the 13th!" He shouted with a win.

All the young men save for Gerald, looked at each other in confusion.

"What does that matter?" Curly asked, turning back to him with doubt. "Are you hiding something?"

"It's Friday the Thirteenth." Gerald clarified, nodding to Arnold that he understood where the excuse was going. "You all know how Arnold's grandma is and it's one of her favorite holidays."

"She sorta... dresses up in a cat suit and likes to collect cats from all over town." Arnold continued with embarrassment, scratching the top of his hand.

"Black cats!" Gerald pointed out.

Harold's eyes grew wide. "Is she some kind of... witch?!"

"No! Nothing like that!" Arnold waved his hands dismissively, wanting to avoid any possible rumors over this very real phenomenon. "She just likes to make sure they're safe due to the superstitions that surrounds them!"

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