Chapter 26

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The young man chewed on the tip of his pencil eraser, eyes closed and his head throbbing. Panic began to invade his usual calm and neutral self as his eyes stared into the blackness behind his eyelids.

There is no response... Was all that echoed in his mind. Time was becoming more and more stretched and the longer this mission went on, the more deadly it would end. He was no idiot. His insides tugged at him to do something, anything but he refused them. I need a clear mind... He thought as he did his best to trek through all the possible negative outcomes he could be rushing into with every moment left without action. His throat was dry and scratchy; his palms were moist with sweat.

There were only two possible choices to make at this time. Either revert what he had done and possibly get away with it, but end up regretting it if it's too soon... or wait another day and see if his queen responded to him. If news of greatness, he could easily undo what he did. If not... he would continue to hold steady his plan even if it ended badly. Both options had possible good or bad endings and fate could bless him with the best outcome... or send him to jail for many years into adulthood.

Brainy's head pounded with every thought. His heart throbbed painfully. His breathing as raspy as ever and even though he could easily relief that one symptom, it meant going across the room away from his computer. Was he a gambling man?

A cold wind filled with bits of snow flew by as children draped in parkas of animal fur ran around in circles playing some unknown game. It was nearly time for recess to be over and their loving teacher would be glowing with excitement and colorful stories of far off lands they could only dream of. Stories of Kings and Queens, stories of wars and famine, stories of families not too different from their own but with cultures far different, stories of different climates of which they had never experienced. Some laughed and played while others threw their body into the white fluffy snow to make snow angels.

"Betcha can't catch me!" A girl with red pigtails called a boy with raven black hair before bolting around the igloos.

"Oh yeah?!" The boy challenged before following suit. He ran around the igloo but saw no sign of his friend. Turning his head back and forth, the boy scrunched his nose in confusion. He rounded the school a few more times before turning around and noticing a tall man with a bag approaching the school. Being the bravest in the class, the boy stood his ground and watched as the man got closer. "Whatcha here for there, mister?" He asked in a cheeky tone.

The man gave the boy a warm smile before reaching in his large bag and pulling out a letter. "Just a letter for your teacher," He replied and held it to the boy. "Make sure she gets it!"

The child nodded and looked down at the letter. It was small and looked to be a little dirty. He couldn't read very well but well enough to make out his own teachers name. He chose to end his little game with his friends early and head on into their icy school, but just as he reached the door, a sharp cold pain reached the back of his head causing his dark hair to turn white.

"You wimp! I knew you couldn't catch me!" The girl's familiar voice shouted. He turned his head and saw her smug grin as she placed her hands on her hips.

"I can so!" he shouted back before waving the letter in his hands. "I got more important things to do than chase your sorry butt around!"

The girl eyed the piece of white paper curiously before walking over. "What's that?"

"A letter for Ms. Pataki" He replied before snatching it away from the girls view and turning away, "For her eyes only!"

The early morning's glow reached Helga's eyes and softly pulled her away from her slumber. Her eyelids fluttered open slowly as she gazed over at the open window at the far end of her bed. Everything was quiet and peaceful; something incredibly rare for her. She sat up and could feel her body ache. "How long was I asleep?" She asked herself, shuffling her legs around her bed and eventually throwing them over the side to get up. Helga reached for the alarm clock that Arnold had lent her and noticed it was much earlier than she expected. Everyone was probably still asleep and she didn't blame them.

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