XXX. We'll Never Let You Fall

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MORE THAN A BAND — LEMONADE MOUTH CAST Everything changes, but one thing is true, understandWe'll always be more than a band

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Everything changes, but one thing is true, understand
We'll always be more than a band

OLIVIA SPENT THE rest of the weekend sulking in bed. Over the two days of her absence, she had missed one call from Jason, two calls from Bobby, four calls from Alex and Reggie, seven calls from Luke, and eleven calls from her father. All of which went ignored. The only time she touched the phone on her bedside table was Sunday morning to let the Pattersons know she wouldn't joining them for lunch. Emily was understanding enough and thankfully, kept her questions and concern to herself in favour of interrogating her son later.

When the Montez family of three returned home after the Battle of the Bands, Olivia and her mother had to explain to Mikey what had happened to make them leave so abruptly. While he was only twelve years old, he was smart and perceptive, and probably knew too much for his own good. He didn't like being left out and they couldn't keep the details from him if they tried.

Olivia and Sylvia sat him down in the living room, slowly and carefully as if they were about to discuss a bomb. The usually level headed boy was a short fuse when it came to the topic of his father. Olivia was angry after all was said and done, but Mikey felt guilty—as if their father leaving was caused by something he did. Guilt drove people to act rashly and Mikey was no exception.

They told him everything, careful of his feelings, but still telling it how it was. Wires were cut and crossed, the drop of a pin could be heard across the room, a young face contorted in betrayal.

Olivia found that the hardest part of dealing with the fallout of Battle of the Bands wasn't the crushing disappointment that Sunset Curve lost the competition to some indie band from Beverly Hills, it was having to explain to Mikey that the girl who treated her like shit was their half-sister. It was no secret to the boy who Christa White was, having been on the receiving end of Olivia's haughty rants about the girl, and he was rather upset that their father chose to stay in her life over theirs.

Sylvia was equally upset, not only for herself, but for her children. It wasn't fair that they had to endure such heartache and it definitely wasn't fair that she was left to raise them on her own. The kids were still upset when Monday came around, so she allowed them to skip school.

Mikey spent the day playing video games and blasting music on his sound system, stimulating his brain so he wasn't alone with his thoughts, while Olivia, on the other hand, stayed in bed with her mind as her only friend.

As the final school bell rang on Monday afternoon, the boys of Sunset Curve waited at Olivia's locker. None of them had seen her since Saturday and the only time anyone heard from her was when she called Luke's mom to cancel on lunch. But even then, the call only lasted a few minutes and Luke didn't even get to speak with her.

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