XXXIV. Welcome to the 27 Club

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JUST FRIENDS — AUDREY MIKA Just friends don't do what we do

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Just friends don't do what we do

THE MONTH OF June quickly came to a close, bringing the end of the school year with it. This year had been rather life changing for Olivia. She met the boys, joined a band, and had a lot of personal growth while she was at it. A year ago, she never would've guessed that she'd be able to perform on stage. But look at her now.

On the morning of the last day of school, Olivia woke up late, pushing her usual routine back by fifteen minutes. She rushed around her room, getting dressed and brushing her teeth simultaneously.

"Olivia, hurry up!" Sylvia shouted from her spot at the base of the stairs. "You're going to be late and Reggie's too nice to say anything!" She looked over at the boy sitting in her kitchen, stuffing his face with a bagel he toasted.

"Not nice," Reggie replied, crumbs falling from his mouth, "just hungry."

Olivia thundered down the stairs with her backpack half open and her hair pulled into a ponytail. She grabbed the paper bag her mom was holding out, knowing that it was full of pastries. She missed breakfast and her mouth watered at the scent. "Thank you." As she passed by, she kissed her mom on the cheek, patted Solo's head, and beckoned Reggie to follow.

Reggie stood from his seat and hurried over. "Thanks, Miss Sylvia!"

The pair headed to school like they usually did. Reggie filled her in on his parents' latest argument, mimicking the sound of their voices to make Olivia laugh. The two teens giggled to themselves as they entered the building, earning curious looks from their friends as they met at locker 754. They just shook their heads and shared another snicker, their inside joke causing protests from their band, then headed to English class.

The day progressed excruciatingly slow. Summer was only hours away and everyone's excitement could be felt in the air. The repetitive whisper of 'summer' bounced off the walls like a mantra.

When the day was finished and the final bell had run, Olivia quickly grabbed her bag from her now empty locker and found herself walking towards the one person she'd usually stay far, far away from.

"Christa," Olivia called out, coming to a stop beside her locker. Her hands joined in front of her and she played with her bracelets nervously.

The taller girl looked over at her with a flat expression and shut her locker with a heavy slam. "What do you want?"

Her hostility almost made Olivia want to abort her mission. "I want to apologize," she confessed, following after the girl as she started to walk away. "About the argument and for taking my anger out on you. What our dad did wasn't your fault and I'm sorry that I blew up on you. It wasn't fair of me."

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