XIX. Billboard Disbelief

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EVERYBODY WANTS TO RULE THE WORLD — TEARS FOR FEARS Help me make theMost of freedom and of pleasureNothing ever lasts forever

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Help me make the
Most of freedom and of pleasure
Nothing ever lasts forever

LUNCH AT THE Patterson's house was far more enjoyable than the time Olivia had dinner there. The older couple stayed far away from any topic regarding Sunset Curve, not wanting to start a fight at the dining table in front of their guest and not wanting to upset their son in front of the girl they speculated he had a crush on.

After their meal was finished, Olivia stayed over for a couple more hours. She listened attentively to Mitch as he spoke about his book collection, excited that someone other than his wife or child was willing to listen. She even asked questions from time to time when she didn't understand the topic of whatever book he was going on about. He had an extensive collection that ranged from broad topics like fiction and poetry to niche topics like the timeline of evolution and string theory. In her opinion, the collection was quite cool and he spoke with such passion, it wasn't hard to tell where Luke had gotten his from.

While Olivia and Mitch were in the living room, Luke was helping his mom clean up the kitchen. Emily was grilling him about the girl in the next room over, asking him if he liked her and telling him how much she and Mitch approved of her. She was glad to see that Luke had met someone who could keep up with him. As a kid, he was always so energetic. When he spoke, he'd bounce from topic to topic leaving them winded by the rapid change in pace. His thoughts ran faster than his mouth could speak, and as he got older, he never grew out of it. But ever since he met Olivia, he had seemed to settle down a bit. He still jumped between topics and was generally overexcited about most things, but finding someone who could handle his fast paced nature gave him peace. Olivia and Luke complimented each other and Emily liked that.

When Emily and Luke were finished in the kitchen, they joined the pair in the living room. Luke watched as Olivia and his mom got onto the topic of knitting. Olivia had complimented his mom's sweater, which caused his dad to proudly state that Emily had made it herself. The young girl gasped in disbelief and explained how she harboured a lot of respect for anyone who could knit wearable articles of clothing. She tried to pick up knitting in the past, but never progressed past casting on. This of course prompted his mother to grab a spare pair of needles and teach the girl herself.

"You don't have to kiss up to her, you know," Luke said with a teasing grin, leaning over her shoulder.

Olivia looked up from her needles, remnants of concentration still on her face. "I'm not," she said with narrowed eyes. She bit the inside of her cheek. "I genuinely want to learn this."

Emily lightly scolded her son. Even if Olivia was doing this to please her, she didn't mind it. She loved knitting and Luke was not going to spoil the opportunity to teach someone new just because he wanted to be cheeky.

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