XX. Christmas Polaroids and Gift Giving

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CHRISTMAS LOVE — JUSTIN BIEBERLike a beautiful tree, you can light up the roomBut your kind of a star can't be removed

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Like a beautiful tree, you can light up the room
But your kind of a star can't be removed

OLIVIA WAS CONVINCED that the next time she went to a grocery store with the boys, they would be better behaved. Third time's the charm, right? Apparently not.

Two days before Christmas, the band decided hang out in celebration of the holidays. This lead them to their local Target where the boys caused havoc, running amok and accidentally ruining a gingerbread house display. It got to the point that Olivia had to ditch them completely so she wouldn't get kicked out alongside them. By some miracle, she managed to buy all the snacks for their Christmas celebration and she was not the least bit surprised to see the group pouting in front of Bobby's car with a security guard watching them from a distance.

They spent the day in their pyjamas, munching on Sylvia's left over desserts and the junk food Olivia had gotten. Christmas movies played on the TV in the Montez's living room and it was a relaxing day for a bunch of people who were used to living life at a hundred miles per hour.

By the end of their second movie, Olivia retreated to her room, only to return with four red envelopes. The boys eyed them curiously. The group had agreed not to get each other gifts since they were all, more or less, broke high school students. They should've known Olivia was going to ignore this.

One by one they opened their envelopes. Each of them had gotten a hand written card and a friendship bracelet made with the colours of the sunset. Olivia proudly showed off her own as it was tied to her wrist and made sure to show them the one she tied to Solo's collar. She helped each of them put theirs on as the opening credits to their next movie played.

By the time Sylvia and Mikey came back from their trip to the grocery store, the five teens were knocked out on the couch with Die Hard playing in the background. (Bobby insisted that Die Hard was a Christmas movie and demanded that they watch it, even bringing his own VHS tape from home.)

The Montez woman let them sleep, finding the scene too heartwarming to disturb. In fact, she told Mikey to grab his Polaroid camera so they could capture the moment. The drool on Luke's shoulder, Olivia's bird nest of hair, and Reggie's wide open mouth would forever be immortalized in the picture they took. It was a shame that Alex's snoring couldn't be heard through the picture once it developed.

Hours passed and the teens woke up to the sound of Sylvia cooking dinner. None of them realized how late it had gotten and rushed to get home before their parents got even more mad at them for staying out the day before Christmas Eve.

They said their goodbyes to the Montez family, patted Solo on the head, and practically ran to Bobby's car.

Luke stayed behind for a moment to collect the sweets Sylvia wanted him to bring home to his parents, and he probably would've stayed longer if the boys weren't yelling at him from the inside of the car. With a laugh, Luke leaned in and kissed Olivia's cheek as a parting gift, completely unaware of what he had done until the boys pointed it out to him in the car.

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