XLIII. Meetings With the In-Laws

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TO BE SO LONELY — HARRY STYLES And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitchWho can't admit when he's sorry

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And I'm just an arrogant son of a bitch
Who can't admit when he's sorry

OLIVIA WAS FOUR years old the first time she played the piano. Mikey was just born and her extended family decided to gather in her abuela's house to meet him. Like any four year old used to being the only child, she was quite jealous of the attention her new younger brother was getting.

After being pushed to the side one too many times, she wandered into her grandmother's living room. All alone, she found herself climbing onto the piano bench sat in the corner of the room. She had no idea what the large instrument was, but she could faintly remember her cousins fighting over it the previous Christmas.

The black and white keys stared up at her and with a curious tilt of her head, she brought her hand down to press one. The deep sound of a plucked string rang throughout the room. She pressed another and another, and never once did it sound bad. Unlike her cousins who would play notes at random, off-key and without technique, Olivia played with grace.

Her family came into the room to see what was causing all the noise and was surprised to see that the reason was the four year old girl who had never shown any interest in music before. She had melody living inside of her and they'd be fools to ignore it.

She was put into piano lessons immediately and as the years passed by, her talent and love for music only grew.

It was this talent and love that landed her a spot as her family's pianist at all of their get togethers. Her abuela would tell her to play something and she would bashfully decline, claiming that she was no more skillful than the last time she played. Her aunts, uncles, and younger cousins would practically beg her to perform and she'd succumb to the peer pressure.

This Christmas was no different, except for the additional audience member that stood among her uncles.

Luke watched from across the room as Olivia finished her piece and smiled softly as her family applauded. It had been so long since she played something of classical nature and he almost forgot how much of an experience it was just to listen to her. She had a way of pulling you in, like she was leading you to watch the sunset. Because when she played, it was impossible to walk away without feeling warm.

When her younger cousins begged her for another song, Olivia looked over at Rose for help.

The older girl chuckled with a nod before sitting beside her on the piano bench.

An expression of relief washed over Olivia's features as she stood. Moments later, Rose's voice flowed through the air, singing a song of her own creation. Talent really ran in the family.

Luke's eyes met Olivia's and she nodded towards the back door. Tío Val noticed and made an excuse for Luke to leave the interrogation he was facing from the rest of Olivia's uncles.

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