XIII. Sunset Swerve?

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MOVING ALONG — 5 SECONDS OF SUMMER Is it bad that I'm hoping that you're broken?

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Is it bad that I'm hoping that you're broken?

LATER THAT WEEK, the members of Sunset Curve were strewn around the music room of Los Feliz High School. Alex was tapping his drumsticks against the rim of his snare drum, Reggie was laying across a few chairs lined up next to each other, Bobby was drawing on the chalkboard, Olivia was sitting at the piano, and Luke was standing beside the piano with his and Olivia's notebooks in front of him.

Luke leaned forward with both his elbows on the piano and a pen in one of his hands, his eyebrows furrowing from his deep concentration. "The set's only long enough for a few songs, so I was thinking we could open with something new?" He suggested, his eyes scanning over the list of songs he and Olivia had written. "Maybe Unpredictable?"

Olivia shook her head. "Nah, that one's more of a mid-set song," she said. "We need to open strong."

Bobby left the chalkboard and strolled up to the piano. He stood over Luke's shoulder for a moment before snatching the notebook that laid in front of him. Luke reached for it, but Bobby ducked out of his way and walked over to the other side of the piano. "What about Story of Another Us?" He asked after flipping to a random page. He was glad that he picked Olivia's notebook. If he had stolen Luke's, he wouldn't have been able to read a single thing. "This song looks pretty intense."

Olivia stood up and grabbed the book from him. "We're not singing that," she stated with narrow eyes. "And don't touch my book."

"You let Luke touch your book!" Bobby protested, pointing at the boy across from him.

"Only when I give him permission to," she countered, handing the book back to Luke, "you're just being nosy."

Bobby leaned forward and propped his elbow on the piano. His chin rested in the palm of his hand. "Why don't you wanna play it?"

"It's a personal song and I'm not ready to perform it yet." Olivia pulled the sleeves of her shirt over her hands. "Besides, it's not even finished yet."

"Looked finished to me."

She gave him a look. "But it's not perfect."

"Guys, can we focus?" Luke asked abruptly. By some miracle, he had gotten his parents to agree to watch their gig at Sonny's. He knew that this was his chance to show them that Sunset Curve wasn't a waste of time and he really wanted to figure out the setlist so they could actually start practicing. He needed them to be perfect. "What about Empty Wallets? We just need to tighten up the bridge and figure out the intro, but I think it'd be a good opener."

"Good or great?" Olivia asked with a raised brow.

Luke gave her a grin. "Great."

The door opened, but none of the teens looked up. Miss Taylor was supervising detention down the hall and had a habit of forgetting things in her desk, so they thought it was the woman coming back for something.

𝐋𝐄𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒 𝐍𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐑 𝐃𝐈𝐄 | luke pattersonWhere stories live. Discover now