V. Mother Knows Best

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BOYS AIN'T SHIT — SAYGRACEIf you want me, act like it

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If you want me, act like it

HARMONY LANE WAS the pride of Los Feliz High School. Consisting of four popular kids, half of which were on the lacrosse team and the other half who were cheerleaders, really solidified their status in the school. Jason Cummings played bass, Megan Hardy played guitar, Josh Harrison played drums, and Christa White sang. The four grew up on the same street for which they were named, Harmony Lane, and didn't associate with anyone outside of their little group until high school. If you asked Olivia, she blamed their bad attitudes on that. Ignorance was bliss after all, but that didn't explain why Luke turned out to be so normal, considering he used to hang out with them all throughout middle school.

The band was established two years ago in the ninth grade, but they didn't start booking gigs until recently. Mill's Warehouse was a big deal for them and Olivia could remember how happy Jason was when he called her after they landed it. The venue was small, but a lot of people in the music industry liked to recruit new talent there.

Olivia walked through the doors and saw the band setting up. There was no stage, only an area sectioned off by floor lights and a riser for the drums. Off to the side, a backstage was created by a barricade made with the band's cars. Sitting on the roof of his classic Mustang was Jason. He was tuning his bass and looked up when he sensed someone lean on the car beside him.

"Hey," he greeted, stopping what he was doing. He didn't sound too excited to see her. "You made it."

"I did." Olivia nodded. Her eyes travelled the venue, searching for the rest of Harmony Lane. Each of them seemed off, like they weren't focused on the gig they were about to do. "Are you okay? Is it the nerves?"

"No, we're just all fucking pissed." Jason slid off of his car and walked over to place his bass on a nearby guitar rack.

Olivia followed him as he beckoned her over to the drum riser where he chose to sit. Her bag slid off her shoulders and she watched as Christa shouted at one of the venue workers across the room. "Why?"

"Lovett told us we don't get the full set at the Halloween dance anymore," he grunted, watching as his bandmates complained in a circle without him. "Apparently some other band signed up to play and Miss Taylor's in on it. It's ridiculous."

Olivia froze. "Do... Do you know who's in the band?" She knew that she'd have to tell him about the band eventually, she just hoped it wouldn't be so soon.

Jason shrugged. "They're probably nobodies. I wouldn't be surprised if Patterson was one of them."

Olivia moved away from him and shifted so she could look at him better. "I don't get what your problem is with him," she confessed. Luke was a great guy and she couldn't understand why Jason viewed him as the root of all his problems. "Didn't you used to be friends? Didn't all of you?"

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