III. Sonny's Diner

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SOMEBODY — LEMONADE MOUTH CASTWe're gonna just let go of everythingHolding back our dreams

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We're gonna just let go of everything
Holding back our dreams

THE NEXT DAY went on as Olivia's days normally did. She was on time for all of her classes and she was in a generally good mood. The only thing about her day that differed from the rest was that the song she and the boys wrote in detention was stuck in her head. She couldn't stop humming it and by the time lunch came around, Jason was sick of it.

"What is that stupid song you keep singing to yourself?" he asked as they walked into the cafeteria. He nodded at his friends as they sat down at their usual table.

Olivia sat across from him and shook her head. "It's nothing," she dismissed.

Jason scoffed. "You've been at it all day."

The girl sitting next to him caught the end of their conversation and turned to insert herself into it. "What are we talking about?"

Olivia often prided herself on being a nice person, but if anyone were to make her question it, it would be Christa White. The girl was the lead singer in Jason's band, Harmony Lane, and she never let anyone forget it. Her long hair was constantly flipped over her shoulder in an attempt to seem innocent when really, she was the devil incarnate. Ever since the moment they met, she had been horrible to Olivia without any valid reason. Olivia could be sitting alone, silently minding her own business, and Christa would still find away to belittle her.

Olivia tried to be Christa's friend for the sake of her boyfriend, but every attempt she made was met with a snide comment laced with poison from Christa's sharp tongue. Eventually she stopped trying, hoping that the girl would leave her alone if she kept out of her way, but it only made things worse.

Before Olivia could respond, Jason answered the girl next to him. "Olivia's been humming this annoying song all day," he grumbled.

"Oh, so you're being extra annoying today?" Christa wondered aloud in a sickly sweet tone.

Olivia looked off to the side, trying her best to keep her composure. She inhaled slowly, then exhaled at the same rate before turning to meet Christa's scrutinizing stare. She said nothing, then turned to Jason with a clenched jaw. "Actually I wrote it," she confessed quietly, trying her best to reign in her temper.

"What?" Jason asked, his face scrunched up in confusion.

"The song I've been humming," she clarified, this time her voice more firm. "I wrote it."

"Since when do you write songs?" he questioned. His tone made her feel incredibly small and she regret saying anything at all.

"That's adorable," Christa exclaimed with a condescending laugh, "why don't you sing it for us?" Her head tilted to the side and she wore a wicked smirk. "If you can get over your stage fright, that is."

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