1-2: Good Morning

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Tristan opened his eyes to darkness, and for a moment wasn't sure if he was still dreaming or awake. A heavy weight rested on his chest. He looked down to see what strange thing was holding him down, only to see that it was Hibiki. Even in his sleep he clung to him with surprising strength, one arm wrapped around his waist, and both legs straddling one of his. Not wanting to wake him up, Tristan carefully moved one arm around his shoulders and relaxed into the embrace.

Wondering what time it was, he turned his head to look for something that could give him his bearings, since the sky was still pitch black. Without any clocks in sight, digital or otherwise, he slowly reached for the phone still in his pocket. The bright light nearly blinded him, and he squinted his eyes just to read the time: 06:46. With a soft groan he put his phone face down onto the mattress. He closed his eyes, and laid back again.

Although it felt like only a moment had gone by when he woke up again, the darkness had shifted into a dim grey light. Hibiki's weight was gone from his chest, and in his groggy state it was the first thing he looked for. He needn't look very far, since Hibiki was laying right beside him, wearing his glasses and mindlessly scrolling through his phone – at least until he noticed that he was awake. With a smile he looked at Tristan, and voicelessly mouthed the words 'good morning'.

"Morning." Tristan responded softly.

Before he managed to do or say anything else Hibiki had put a hand on his neck and held him still for a proper good morning kiss. Although it surprised him he didn't resist it. The kiss took his breath away, and while he was left speechless in the afterglow Hibiki took the opportunity to write a message.

'Your hair is amazing'

Before Tristan good and well realised what that meant, Hibiki ran a hand through his hair, messing it up even further. Immediately he frowned, but Hibiki responded with an innocent giggle.

"I'm a mess." He mumbled, as he rested his head against Hibiki's chest.

'Long weekend?'

He let out a groan and nodded.

"Yeah... sorry we couldn't do anything yesterday."

'I don't mind. We could go out next weekend?'

"Aren't you grounded for a decade?"

'Only until Friday'

"Hmm..." Tristan pulled away and looked up at Hibiki. "So you're free Saturday?"

I'm free any day of the week for you babe

"I er... thanks..." He sputtered in response to the message, only for Hibiki to follow it up with a wink. Immediately he buried himself back into Hibiki's chest. "You can't do this to me first thing in the morning."

There's lots of other things I can think of doing to you

Tristan's eyes widened slightly just from the boldness of that statement, but before he could say anything a hand pushed against his shoulder and put him onto his back. Hibiki's other hand grabbed his wrist, pinning him down. He looked up to see Hibiki try to hold back a smile by biting his lip, but it didn't quite work.

For a second he was stunned, caught off guard by the act – and slightly perturbed by the warm and tingling sensation that flooded the very bottom of his stomach. But then he saw Hibiki's held back smile turn into a smug grin, and he got his wits back if only out of sheer spite.

"What are you, thirteen? Going whichever way your knob points and grounded." He shook his head in feigned disapproval.

When Hibiki let go of his wrist and sat up with a deep sigh, he smiled, believing that he'd won. Only to see Hibiki smirk, and point straight down to some rather damning evidence against him. Immediately Tristan felt his entire body turn warm from the shame, and his face flushed bright red. He rolled onto his side, and grabbed a pillow to hide in knowing full well he'd been defeated.

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