4-7: Near [M-S]

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Hibiki quietly affixed the fresh bandage on Tristan's hand, careful not to hurt him. They had both had a shower, after playing games and watching a mindless action flick, and the bathroom was still warm and damp. So in nothing more than his underwear, he'd made sure Tristan's hand was taken care of and wrapped in dry bandages.

"Thank you." Tristan said once he was done.

With a smile he laid his wrists on Tristan's shoulders, gently preventing him from pulling away just yet. He took off his glasses and softly kissed him, to make sure he'd know that he cared. When Tristan leant in for it, he pulled him in fully. His body pressed tightly against him, and the sensation of soft, warm skin was pleasant. He put one of his hands underneath Tristan's chin, and held him there as his kiss deepened.

The closer he got, the more he could feel Tristan's pounding heart: underneath his fingertips, against his chest. It lured him in, and conjured desires from deep inside. Although it was dark, dirty even, it made him feel good. His judgement clouded by lust, he grasped onto Tristan tighter and refused to let go.

Slow yet heavy motions took all the love he wanted from Tristan's lips. Unabashedly he claimed it for himself: every deep breath, every push and pull, even the slight, fluttering trembles. He was so close that the scent of soap was replaced with Tristan's – and he'd fallen so far he preferred it. It made him crave for more, as if he'd caught a whiff of his prey. And why shouldn't he give chase? Just to see how close he could get.

He sat up straighter, and wrapped one arm around Tristan, now leaning over him. There was no resistance, if anything Tristan sank lower by himself like he was about to buckle. Somehow the idea that he'd been subdued just made him more excited; made him feel powerful.

Confidently he went further, placing his thumb in the little nook right underneath his lips and pulling his mouth open wider. A bit more careful he glanced at Tristan, and saw him look up cautiously yet intrigued. He smirked slightly, and just to show that he could, ran the tip of his tongue up over the middle of his lips. A trembling breath escaped Tristan, followed by a soft whimper that didn't make for a very convincing protest – especially not when his gaze begged.

Only encouraged by the response, he pushed further. As his tongue pressed past his lips, he carefully explored that new kind of closeness. It was thrilling, like a secret he knew he wasn't supposed to discover, but eager to anyway. For a brief moment there was no answer, but then Tristan's tongue cautiously met his.

It felt better than he'd imagined. His mind was warm and foggy, unable to think of anything other than the moment. But even that biological high couldn't weigh up against the knowledge of the connection; knowing that he was loved and could love. In the back of his head he was fully aware that it was dirty, but that just made it better, since Tristan let him do it.

So he stayed there. It felt so good even time was swept away. He needed nothing else, even breathing wasn't as important. Whenever he was forced to sigh or gasp, he closed the gap as quickly as he could. The craving surpassed everything. If he wasn't bound by his body, he was certain he would have gotten so close they'd be one and the same – and he wouldn't mind.

It was a long kiss, yet the dozen minutes it took was meagre compared to the eternity he wanted it to last. He felt Tristan had run out of spare breath. He barely pulled away, his lips grazing against Tristan's as he smiled and ran his fingers through his hair. Unable to look away, he took in every detail of his grey eyes – most importantly the infatuation.

"I love you." The words were soft, and vulnerably honest. His smile widened, and not wanting to look away for even a second, he traced a familiar symbol on his cheek.

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