1-6: Intake [M-T]

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H: it's not so bad
You just go in and talk about yourself

T: I know, but I'm still nervous. What if I do something wrong, or it turns out I'm mad?

H: you're not
Believe me

You are very sane
You just need someone to talk to

Besides, she's very nice

And dad is paying for it

T: That's not it. I guess I'm just really worried.

H: Afraid someone is going to dig into your mind
Pull up all the bad things?

T: Yes.

H: That's why you have to go
Otherwise it will stay in your head
It's not nice
But you can't keep holding it in
Just talk to her

Maybe it'll go better than you think

T: Okay. I'll try.

H: Whatever happens
I'm still there for you babe ♡

Tristan was unable to hold back a smile, despite the nerves that were stirring in his gut. He sat on a plastic chair in the waiting room, that he shared with an elderly couple who were both enthralled in one of the out of date magazines provided. If anything he was glad he had Hibiki to talk to while waiting, since the texts distracted him some.

T: You mean that, right?

H: Of course
Why wouldn't I?

T: I don't know. I guess I'm not used to it.

H: You're stuck with me now

No going back
If you kiss it you have to keep it (。•̀ᴗ-)✧

T: But you kissed me?

H: And I'm keeping you
All to myself

T: Well, I think I'm fine with that?

H: Don't worry
I'm a responsible owner

T: Okay, less fine with that. But I suppose it could be worse.

H: You get to sleep on the bed?

T: Oh boy! I love the bed.

It's so much better than the floor.

Do I get my own bowl too?

H: You may have to share with Maki

T: How about I stay a human and use a plate?

H: Do I get to take care of you?

T: If you want?

H: Can I pet you?

T: Depends on the mood I'm in.

H: Okay, I'll allow it

He was in the middle of holding back a chuckle, when a short, somewhat chubby woman wearing a brightly coloured sweater, and with her blonde hair in a ponytail entered the waiting room.

"Mister Wright?" She called out chipperly, even if there were only two people to whom the name could apply.

Tristan immediately closed his phone, and stood up. Despite his nerves, he tried to hide it behind a smile and a handshake.

"I'm Lindsay, or Dr. Vanhulst." She introduced herself enthusiastically.

"Tristan." He responded polite but far more restrained.

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