1-13: Afterparty

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The small pub was pleasantly busy that evening, and since it was the last event before their break, most of the people inside were debate union regulars. While Tristan, Killian, Liz and Sam had their own table, frequently a few members joined or left again. They had plucked a thoroughly played card game, that came in a half-torn box and reeked slightly of stale beer from a cabinet in the corner. Sometimes someone came and played a full round, but more often than not they dropped out when something else caught their alcohol-befuddled attention.

In one such round, at around nine, Tristan felt his phone buzz in his pocket. Quickly he fished it up, hoping it was Hibiki – but if it wasn't then it was probably someone he had to point in the right direction, or another problem that needed to be solved. Luckily for him, a familiar name popped up on the top of the message.

H: I'm nearly there

Did you keep a spot free for me?

T: Not explicitly, but there should be space. We're in a booth near the back.

H: I could always use your lap

T: I don't think that's necessary.

H: Not everything needs to be necessary

Sometimes you just do it because it's fun

Or pisses people off

Or because your lap is really comfy

T: Are you really going to sit on my lap?

H: Don't worry

Only after enough shots
So I can blame it on alcohol

But I'm about to get out of the car

So I'll see you in a minute

T: See you soon

Tristan sighed and shook his head, quickly closing his phone and putting it back in his pocket. Still he couldn't help but peek out and throw a glance at the door of the pub – or at least try to, since his line of sight was blocked by other people.

"It's your turn." Liz said, giving him a poke on his shoulder.

"Huh? Oh,- er..." He looked over the situation, not having paid attention for the entire round. For a second he weighed his options, and then played a few cards. In particular one that would give Sam, at that point with the least cards in her hand a tough time, but she was quick to pass it on to Killian.

"Of course ye've one of those." He protested loudly, as he picked four extra cards to add to his already large collection. "Thanks Triss."

"Sorry, I tried." He shrugged in response, while Liz gleefully snickered at Killian's misery beside him.

The door of the pub opened, and a cold draft announced the people entering. His curiosity piqued again, Tristan looked up once more to see Hibiki enter accompanied by two bodyguards. Immediately he smiled, waving in an attempt to catch his attention. It worked, and Hibiki darted over past all the other people to give him a hug. He responded in full. There was a comfortable warmth to it, and the familiar scent of spice and citrus. He had missed his embrace during exams – but then he remembered it was a very public space, so he let go again before it would become suspicious. Still he smiled and looked up at Hibiki when he pulled away.

"It's good to see you." He said, and Hibiki nodded and grinned whole-heartedly.

Before he could say anything more, Liz had gone in for a hug as well, leaning partially over him. He pressed back against the bench in an attempt not to get in the way.

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