4-11: Worry

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Hibiki walked beside Tristan as they went to pick up his phone. As per usual, Tristan held up the umbrella, but he hadn't said a word yet since they had left the police station and said goodbye to Anya and his father. Instead he seemed to be lost in his thoughts, staring at the pavement in front of him.

Hibiki recognised that look of being overwhelmed well enough, but had let him stay quiet for a while in the hopes that it would settle if he gave him a moment to process the events. Yet after a few minutes, he realised that wouldn't happen. So he took out his phone, and wrote a message to hold in front of him.

'It's going to be okay. We'll go home soon'

He smiled, hoping to ease and encourage Tristan. All he got in return was a quiet nod, and a glance that never really connected. For a second he felt his own smile falter, concerned and saddened that Tristan wasn't his usual self, but he was too stubborn to let it drag him down.

Instead he walked in front of him, facing him so he couldn't avoid his wide grin. It surprised Tristan a little, stopping him in his tracks. He wrote some very important words.

'I love you'

A faint blush spread on Tristan's cheeks, followed by the hint of a smile, even when averting his gaze. He opened his mouth as if to say something, but glancing at the few people in the street closed it again. Instead he gave a quick nod, which he interpreted to mean 'I love you too', and that was enough for him to keep grinning.

Hopping back into the space beside Tristan, he let him continue walking. He didn't want to push him to be happy too hard, but just alleviate the dullness that seemed to hang over him. Still he worried, knowing what dark places a mind could fall down to if there was nobody to catch it.

The media store was brightly lit, with many colourful screens trying to advertise themselves. It was a stark contrast with the grey, dreary weather outside. He went ahead into the store, curiously tapping a few of the tablets before looking back and smiling at Tristan. The latter put aside the umbrella near the door, and quietly joined him. He smiled and kept looking through the devices, finding one where a couple their age had taken a selfie and set it as the background. With an impish grin, he went to the picture, and used the photo editor to draw on it. He promptly added a magnificent mustache and beard to the girl, and a bright pink dress to the guy.

Proudly he showed it off to Tristan, and even in his current mood, it elicited a slight, disappointed sigh. He grinned even wider, like it was a badge of honour. Especially when he caught the faint smile that followed after. Satisfied, he placed the tablet back in its spot and went ahead to the service desk where Kazuo was picking up his old phone.

The man had just taken the bag from the store clerk, and barely had the time to turn around before he took it from his hands. Leaving Kazuo stunned, he darted back to Tristan and held it up like a proud puppy that had learnt to fetch.

"Er,- thank you." Tristan stammered, blushing slightly again as he took the bag from him.

He watched with intent as Tristan took the phone out again, and looked at it. With both hands he made a gesture as if he was handing something over, to say it was now his.

"Are you sure though... I haven't paid for it yet." Tristan said softly so only he could hear, like it was somehow a brand of shame.

Immediately he nodded, putting his hands on Tristan's and making him hold the phone – softly, so it wouldn't hurt his burnt hand.

For a second Tristan smiled, wider than he had all day, but then his expression fell again like he was about to cry. While he averted his gaze and nodded quickly, Hibiki looked on worried that he really would burst into tears. Yet it seemed that he managed to hold it back. With a heavy breath, Tristan nodded again and smiled rather forcibly. It didn't ease any of his worries, but he knew that this wasn't the place to talk about it, nor the moment to push him.

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