1-5: The Meeting [M-T]

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「Listen, Tanaka-san,」A heavy set, middle-aged man, with square glasses and a prominent widow's peak said to his far younger employee. The man, in his mid-twenties, appeared rather nervous, and was so eager to please that he nodded immediately. 「The Yukimuras are one of our largest shareholders, so I want you on your best behaviour. You know about the software, but please mind to stay respectful at all times.」

Kazuo Tanaka nodded again in response to his boss's words, well-aware that this could be the biggest opportunity of his life. A moment where he could prove that he was an asset to the company, not a liability – and perhaps set himself on course to a top career.

「Of course Satou-sama. I understand.」He made a quick bow in respect.

「I knew you would.」The boss responded, before pulling back the sleeve of his dress shirt and checking a large, metal watch for the time.「We should head out, the taxis are arriving soon.」

Kazuo made another bow, but felt the palms of his hands get slightly sweaty. He gripped his briefcase tighter, suddenly aware of the ridges of the plastic. His heart began to pound now it dawned on him that he would be meeting one of the richest men in Japan, within the next few hours. In his head he went over everything he had prepared, all the knowledge that could possibly be asked from him to clarify.

Three taxis brought their delegation of seven up North from Sendai. He had to share the taxi with two others, but they did not speak much, unless it was to run over a detail or document. If anything he preferred it that way.

The road they traversed carved through the suburbs, that mainly consisted of individually walled houses and apartments, before gradually curving through green mountainscapes scattered with smaller towns. It took a little over an hour to arrive, and in that time the overcast skies settled from grey to blue, to inky black. By the time they came to a standstill in front of a large iron gate, darkness had obscured the surrounding mountains, leaving only their faint outlines and the shape of treetops visible.

He watched through the window, as a man in a black suit approached the gate from the other side. The heavy iron set into motion, albeit slowly and allowed the man to approach the first vehicle. A brief conversation seemed to be all that was required for them to be allowed in.

「Nervous, Tanaka-san?」His coworker asked, breaking the slightly tense silence. He assumed he had to be, otherwise it would not have been so obvious – but he pushed through it, sitting up straight and allowing himself to breathe deeply.

「I will manage. Thank you Akayama-san.」He nodded firmly, making sure to look his co-worker in the eye to ensure that he knew he was not scared. Yet somehow he found himself craving a cigarette.

The car came in motion, the last of their group to do so. As they passed through the gate, a large house came into sight. The modern building consisted of at least four floors, its straight angles of glass and concrete a stark contrast with the sprawling mountainside against which it stood. It was imposing, and much like it dominated the surrounding nature, it also demanded one's gaze.

Behind some of the glass shone golden lights, and he saw the silhouettes of several people: both inside, and awaiting them at the front door. Once more he felt his heart pound, but he chose to ignore it. Instead he looked over the grounds, the sight of the neat yet flowing gardens, dotted here and there by electric lanterns, far less intimidating. Until their taxi turned in front of the house, and there was no way he could ignore it.

He stepped outside in the heavy, waterlogged air. Its crispness surprised him, the slight chill nearly sweet to the taste as it filled every corner of his lungs – far different from the city air he was used to while living in Sendai. But he wasn't given the time to be distracted by such things, already faced with the personnel of the Yukimura family. Now he was actively looking, he saw several guards.

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