Chapter Four

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How does it feel when just a day before your life was perfect, well not perfect but you were satisfied and then all of a sudden a stranger comes up and start making your life confusing? Well, I'll tell you how it feels - it feels like you're lost in a maze and confusion is all that surrounds you.

There were questions surrouding me and not finding the answers to those questions made me frustrated. What did this guy want from me when by walking away I made it clear that it was the end of our short lived friendship?

Why was he so desperate to talk to me that he had to call me and could not wait till tomorrow to meet me in the school and talk?

Most of all, where the hell did he get my number from?

My first instinct was to hang up and block his number but before I could do that he spoke up, "See, just don't hang up. At least listen to what I have to say to you."

Viren was literally pleading on the phone and that made me listen to him but I didn't speak anything I just stayed quite.

"Well, I'll take your silence as an answer that you're ready to listen to me," he said and I could feel the hint of smile in his voice.

"You've got only two minutes to explain yourself," I finally spoke up.

"Oh, well I'm not going to talk here on the phone with you. We'll talk when we meet tomorrow."

What? If he was not going to talk then why the hell did he have to call me, to let me know he has found my number?

"Why did you call me then?" I asked.

"Because I wanted to make sure that tomorrow when we talk it should be only you and me," he replied and his words made me wonder what kind of talk was it going to be if he wanted privacy.

"Okay," I agreed, I just told myself that I had to listen to his side of story too before judging anyone and I had a few questions to ask him as well.

"Well, meet me tomorrow near the fire exit before the classes start."

He had to be kidding me, I wasn't going to meet him there where basically no one went, except of course the couples who wanted to make out. He wanted privacy, I understand but meeting him alone was enough privacy.

"We're not meeting there," if he doesn't agree to meet somewhere else, well he can forget about meeting me at all.

"You suggest then?" I didn't know it was this easy that I didn't even have to convince him.

"Cafeteria, and no arguments it's final," I said and without giving him a chance to argue I hung up on the phone.

All this while Nishant was watching me cautiously and I knew when we would go up to the park and sit, he's going to ask everything that's been happening. That silly boy doesn't knows that he doesn't needs to ask it, I would tell him anyway.

"Shall we go?" He asked and I nodded.

The park in the area was not too big, but it was enough for the people living here to come here for morning or evening walk. Nishant and I have been coming here since childhood and it always gives me a feeling of nostalgia. There were few swings for the children which were right now occupied by the kids of our neighbour.

Nishant and I made our way to a bench where we usually sat and both of us took a seat.

"So, what's up?" He asked and I knew he was referring to the phone call.

"Well, I met a guy in the school today and it was him who called me right now," I started and got only a confused expression from Nishant.

I continued and explained all the events of the day that occured from Viren stalking me to Karan telling me about Viren being interested to me. Nishant listened to me patiently but all this while he looked deep in thought because his brows were furrowed and he looked confused, just like I was.

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